Time for a second filter? **UPDATE**

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 31, 2006
Quick question.

92 gallon tank
3 fat fancy goldfish
Fluval 404 filtration

Water perims are:

PH 7.8
Am 0
No 1 0
No2 40+ (really hard to tell after 20+ but looks like it's in the 40 ppm range)

Performing 25%-40% water changes every 4 or 5 days and the No2's are this high within 24 hours of a water change.

I have bio rings in two trays and crushed coral in the other two trays of the canister. This has been my setup for 7 months and until a month ago everything was fine.

Is there something else going on in my tank or have the goldfish grown enough that I need to add a second filtration system. Seems a tad strange that the other tests are excellent and this one is the only one that's off. I know this particular test can be sensitive. Is it possible those chemicals have gone bad.
The fish are fine. Healthy and active. The largest one, a 9" Ryukin sits in the corner for an amount of time but still spends plenty of time being active. The other two fish are 5" and 4" on length.

Thanks alot guys and hope everyone is doing great!
May not hurt to get a new test kit just to be sure. Looks like your fish are growing and you are going to have to up your water change schedule.
Maybe you nitrate test reagent has time x'd. Take a water sample to a couple of fish stores and get them to test for you. This will either confirm your test results or refute the credability of your test gear.
Another filter will not necessarily help your problem. I have larger goldfish and as they have grown I have had to up the water changes to 70% a week. I would agree to check the test kits as the kit may be expired. Also as suggested, take a sample of water to your lfs for testing and see if the nitrates are the same when they test it.
Ok. New test and LFS both confirm the No3's are high. I will do two 70% water changes in the next 3 days and then see if once a week will work out. I've had Goldies for over 8 yrs now and with the exception of a bigger tank have never had this happen. I even had an overstocked 35 gallon with stellar water perims so I dunno *scratching head*.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I am all ears.

I am thinking I may still add a second filtration system and see how that works out. Hopefully it would help and it can't hurt, right? Lol!

Thanks awesome fish friends!
try some Purigen in the filter. An another filter will not lower nitrates, you need something that takes them out. There are several other nitrate absorbing polymers available.
How often are you feeding the goldfish? Another option is to feed a bit less and see if that makes a difference as well.
Seems like besides water changes perhaps going "natural"may help. Plants may help tremendously. A refugium/sump idea with simple lighting system and water lettuce could help.
Ok. I have been feeding them less for the last month so that's not working. I was wondering about some plants but with all the trouble I've had in my tropical freshie tank and those plants...arg! No way! I will try some Purigen and let you know how that works. I know full well it's because they're goldfish but they are still my favorites (Rams and Puffers are a close second)!

THANKS A BUNCH! Seems nice to spend less money for a potential fix instead of more...for a change! Lol!
Just re-read...question...are your NO2's or your NO3's high? This will change the solution.

NO2's? did you kill off bacteria somehow, causing a minicycle?

NO3's? more water changes, or bigger water changes. Hmmm, do you use a Python?

Glad you got talked out of getting a new filter...that really won't impact your problem.

I'm curious, what trouble did you have with plants in your other tank?

Putting a little research in can let the addition of plants be headache (and almost maintenance) free. And from my experience (that didn't mean much :( sigh) fish love plants. Helps them feel more at home, and it will help your perameters.

that being said, you've got goldfish...big waste machines. Good luck! If you get the Purigen, post how well it worked!
Water lettuce takes no ability to keep alive. If you have the space chuck a rubermaid container (5 dollars) under the tank with a return pump with a prefilter. Dump the water lettuce (floating plant) in the rubber maid. Put a PC lamp (27 watt at menards currently 15 dollars or similar) over the rubbermaid and trow away excess water lettuce every couple weeks. Water lettuce sucks up nitrates rather well. If this works you have very little maintenance an is dirt cheap. But some water lettuce first and stick it in a gallon of tank water and test before and after a couple days if you want to see how much difference it can take.
I probably typed No 2's but meant No 3's. Nitrates.
I have been doing heavy water changes this last week and see an improvement already.
As for being "pooping machines", I know how bad Goldies are...lol. I do love them though!
My tropical freshwater was setup to be a low light tank with little bit of maintenance...grrrr. I have battled BBA, diatoms, and that nasty green hair algae. I have tried to move the tank after figuring out we are getting late day sun directly into the tank. For right now, I am dosing with Flourish Excel but will be setting up CO2...too much work. I'd personally like to get rid of the plants all together but the Hubs loves them. When I had the 35 hex and it was on the one wall in the room that gets no direct sun, the tank and plants were perfect. I am trying to find someone to trade with for a smaller tank (have a 46 bowfront and would love to have a 36 bowfront) so I can move the tank back to that wall as the 46 is too wide.
I have tried to put some of the overgrowth in the tank with the Golds but nuttin last very long in there with them anyways. Lol! They do like to eat everything.

I think at this point, I am going to try the Purigen. It's not too expensive on E-Bay. I will post back here in a week or two and let you guys know how it's doing.
I did find out the tank had a temperature surge...went from 74* to 82* in less than 24 hours and has probably been doing that off and on for a while with our weather being so hot and that may be messing with the perims. I dunno for sure though!

You guys are awesome!!! Always!
Okay, I ordered some Purigen a couple of days ago and it arrived today. It is pretty fine stuff so I think I am going to put it in a nylon toe (clean and unused...lol). I will cycle it a week and then put it in the tank...*waiting for now*.
Well it's been a couple of weeks and I wanted to let you guys know the Purigen is doing the trick in my goldfish tank. I am back down to weekly water changes and that is at 50%. Totally doable for me and the Python.
I cleaned the tank, put the Purigen in one of my bio-trays right after and have had no high No 3's since. What's nice is I can reactivate it once or twice by cleaning it before I have to replace it.
Thanks for the tip!!!

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