Tiny bugs that are all over my lids

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 16, 2017
Northern Utah
So I have a question that I am stumped on because I have never seen this in all my years of FW fish keeping.
Recently I have noticed little 'specs' on the underside of my aquarium glass lids. When I looked closely at them I realized they were bugs. Lots of little bugs that you wouldn't think twice was just a spec of something. But they move around and can almost jump out of the water.
I am finding more and more of these bugs no matter what I try to do to wipe them off from my glass tops.
Why are these pests appearing? How did they get into my tanks? And if anyone has any idea about what I'm talking about, what can I do to get rid of them.

I would post a pic but they are so small that my camera can't focus on them. Just tries to look past them. But I'll try again if anyone really wants a pic.
I was first thinking they might be mites but when you mentioned jumping, springtails come to mind.
So after some research, this seems like the right thing. It is just weird because they just randomly started appearing. It's good that they won't really spread anywhere else in my house.
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