Tomato clown acting strange

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 7, 2003
Athens, TN.
My tomato clown, for the past week has been hovering around the bottom of the tank, now for the last 2 days he has been hovering in 1 corner either straight up or straight down. I'm really worried, I can't find any signs of a problem, other than this is not the way he normally acts. I have a royal gramma and a striped cromi in the tank. Any ideas? :(
How long have you had the clown?

The tomato is not likely to cower but I wouldn't rule out aggression from the other two fish. Keep tabs on them to be sure. Nearing lights out would be the best time to watch.

You say there are no signs of a problem so I'm guessing you mean parasitic or outward infection but you should also look at the fish's belly to be sure there is no sign of bloating or obvious roundness. Also make note of the fish's swimming pattern to be sure it's coherent.

How is the fish's breathing and when was the last round of water tests done? Is it eating normally?

2 1/2 to 3 months, not ecactly sure how long. Water seemed to be fine 2 days ago, what worries me most is most fish (except my male betta's) won't let you just pick them up but I was able to just scoop him right out of the water, I was lookig for ick or anything else that might be causeing this problem. Do you think it might be the cromi?
Definately sounds stressed but not sure the chromis would be the cause. It is more than possible though. It's behavior resembles that of a fish that's being picked on as well as mabye something amiss with the swim bladder. That's why I was curious about the abdomen shape and swimming ability.

Well when I turned it loose yesterdya it swam right down to the bottom of the tank and geve me an evil stare. :roll:
Ok it swims fine, however when I decided to evict the chromi I found that my royal gramma was also hiding, so it looks like maybe agressiveness was the possible key. the chromi has been removed to another tank, we shall see if things settle down over the next couple of days. The chromi on the other hand tried to attack my male betta, which sits right behind the tank I put him in along with 2 crabs. :roll:
Another question, does the whole hiding in the corner thing make him look smaller to the aggressor?
It's usually a sign of submission so to speak. The aggressor is left to claim whatever territory it will. Chromis being a member of the damsel family can be jquite grumpy depending on species. Could be it just snapped 8O


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