too many fish?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 5, 2012
We have a 37 gallon aquarium, 1/2 live plants, 1/2 plastic. Double filtration, 50 - 75% water change every week, established for 8 or more months.

Water records are Nitrite 0, pH 7.4, Nitrates .5, Ammonia 0. These numbers have been like this since after we cycled last summer.

Current Stock:

2 algae eaters
3 balloon mollies
10 guppies
2 danios
5 glowfish danios
5 Skirt Tetras
5 glass catfish
2 red wag platies
2 african dwarf frogs

The kid wants to add a couple more fish but I think we are slightly more than what we should have.

We do the testing prior to all water changes which take place on Saturdays and the readings do not vary from the above. FYI we use the API fresh water liquid test kit. We are fanatics about keeping the aquarium in top condition.

What type of algae eaters?
IMO your pushing your stocking limits. If you where going to add more fish I'd suggest a couple more glass cats. They really need larger schools.
Mumma.of.two said:
What type of algae eaters?
IMO your pushing your stocking limits. If you where going to add more fish I'd suggest a couple more glass cats. They really need larger schools.

Petsmart just had them labeled algae eaters. Small and they said the max size would be under two inches.

I think we have passed the amount we should have in the tank so I prefer to not add any more. Thats one reason I am fanatical about him doing the 75% water changes with me every week and the other maintenance. Trying to teach him he has a responsibilty to making sure the fish are happy and healthy.

If we make into the summer and he still has an interest I will see about getting a 75 gallon.
They sound like ottos. Google some pictures of them and see if that's what you have. Many fish are sold as 'algae eaters'. Some only eat it while young and can grow into 5-24inch terrors so it's a good idea to know what you have. :)

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