Treating kuhli loach for ick

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 10, 2013
I purchased this kuhli loach one week ago tomorrow. About two days ago, it started to grow white spots, and now has definite ick dotted along its body. There aren't a lot of "icks" on it, though, and the fish seems to be behaving normally. It is the only fish in the tank(a 5.5 gallon with some wisteria stems, java moss and a couple of small pieces of driftwood to hide under). The plan is to move it to a bigger tank that has my other kuhlis in a month or so when it is healthy enough to join them. (I have had these kuhlis for several months. They have never come into contact with this new one, and they are healthy.)

I have raised the temperature to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. I understand that kuhlis are very sensitive to meds. I have Seachem Paragaurd(Malachite green) and Quick Cure(malachite green and formalin) on hand, as well as some aquarium salt. Would it be wise to treat with a half dose of one of these, or should I just wait it out with the high temp? I assume a gallon or two water change every day would be of great help, either way?
Thanks in advance for any tips.
I never use meds. I turn the temperature up to 86 degrees for at least 2 weeks. Medicines will uncycle a tank and you have to start over.
I never use meds. I turn the temperature up to 86 degrees for at least 2 weeks. Medicines will uncycle a tank and you have to start over.

Can a loach withstand 86 degrees for several weeks? Seems long.
Update: The loach appears to be doing fine with just raised temperature and a tiny pinch of aquarium salt. It looks like the ick has cleared up. It's been about a week and a half since the ick went away, but every other day since then up until about four days ago it would get what appeared to be a single ick spot, but those could have been particles of something else that settled on the fish's skin. I have not seen any kind of particles/spots on the loach for several days. Is it about time to turn down the temp?

How much longer should I keep it isolated? I can't wait to get this little guy into the other tank with others of his kind. The loach is active, constantly foraging and eating well. I am sure it has no other health problems besides the recent ick.

Incidentally, the rotala rotundifolia and wisteria stems in this tank have put up with the heat very well. I guess these won't melt if there is a heat wave this summer, like my anacharis did during a heat wave last year. (I really need some AC...)
Ok, good! The ich is dying! Just 2 or 3 more days! Look at the fish close! Ensure it is ERADICATED! Otherwise, start over.

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