troubled 55 gal, could use some help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 24, 2004
Mt. Prospect, IL
Hi everyone

My 55 is not doing so well. Its about a month and a half old. Fishless cycle in four weeks then added fish in signature plus four that didn't make it. I've been battling ick for about a week. The loaches and the tetras are the only ones to show any signs. Have temp up at 86-87 and did a three day treatment with Quick Cure by Aquarium Products, followed by 25% water change. Started another three day but after one day things looked worse not better, so I started using pimafix and melafix 2 days ago. Things don't look any better so I am lost what to do now. I've lost 2 tetra's and 2 clown loaches. Water parameters seem good amm 0, no2 0, no3 40(abit high, but I'm trying not to do so many water changes while medicating)

I have a 10 gal that I just started up today with 4 zebra danios.

I'll take any help, please.

What are your tank parameters (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, temp, pH)? Please give exact values.

Stop all medications, do a 30% water change and put activated carbon back in your filter. Some fish do not do well on meds.

Read this article and begin bringing the heat up to 86 degrees. Also add salts as described in the article. This should fix things right up :D
Another thing on medication is you need to be patient. The fish will not heal 2-4 days after the treatment. Just give them more time instead of giving the tank cocktail of meds.

One thing i learn is the fish dont just fall sick for no reason. something within the tank must when wrong. what pH is the tank. any particular swing (pH, temp, etc)?

also the med you add into the tank will also affect the filter's bacteria.

i 2nd M's on stop all med,water changing,and putting carbon into the tank and leave the tank for 1-2 weeks alone.

Try not to overfeed the fish, give sometimes for the bacteria to colonise so no need to clean the the fluval 304 as even in heavier loads, itcan last for 6-8 weeks (i also using a 304 :) )

Thanks for the replies, folks

Menagerie, the article says tetras and corys may have trouble with salt, of which I have both. What do you think? Tonight I'm going to return my filter to normal and stop meds. Is a refractometer the only way to measure salt at that low of mix?

Tank params
amm 0
no2 0
no3 40
ph 7.5
gh 7
temp 86-87

the NO3 is on the high side.
tetra will do better at pH 6.6-6.8, but more important is as long as the pH dont swing the fish will be fine.

Remember to add active carbon to the tank for next couple of weeks. (i remember my 304 come with few packets).
Btw is the tank planted?

the article says tetras and corys may have trouble with salt, of which I have both. What do you think? Tonight I'm going to return my filter to normal and stop meds. Is a refractometer the only way to measure salt at that low of mix?
Well, I had salted both tetras and cories, and they lived to swim another day. It really is on a per fish basis. Start low with the salt and see how they do. Getting a hydrometer to read that low is a PITA! We have two hydrometers for our BW tank and they are just not sensitive enough to the salt. For now, add 1 teaspoon per gallon and watch the fish closely.
BTW~Your pH is fine. I would not try to alter it, since you are probably not trying to mate them.
The nitrate is at the high tolerancy end for the fish, but with a 30% PWC, that should go down. I would also do another 20-30% PWC tomorrow and simply replace the salt that is removed.
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