Trying plants

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 10, 2013
Hello all, I have put a couple of plants in my 29g tank to see if I need to upgrade lights etc. I would really prefer to keep it simple and low tech. I have a school of cardinal's, a dwarf gourami and 2 platy's.

I placed a windelov java fern and amazon compacta right in the center of tank under the stock light and behind a piece of driftwood.

My question is should I use any fertz or anything to help out or just leave it be and see how they go?

Don't know about the other plant but Java fern is a simply/hardy plant. I wouldn't bother with ferts but like everything Id imagine it would grow better/faster with ferts.
Sword plants are heavy root feeders and using root tabs will greatly benefit it. Then with only having one java fern you really don't need any ferts for the water unless you start to notice it having unhealthy growth like holes in the leaves and such.
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