Trying to read my PH & KH

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 30, 2008
In my planted tank with CO2 I have tested the water with test strips that tell me my PH is 7.2 and my KH is 180. Every chart I try to look at to read the CO2 levels has KH in single to double digits. The chart on the strips say the KH is ideal but I not sure how convert the triple digit readings so I can read the CO2 charts.

Example - The Planted Aquarium / Aquarium Plants
In my planted tank with CO2 I have tested the water with test strips that tell me my PH is 7.2 and my KH is 180. Every chart I try to look at to read the CO2 levels has KH in single to double digits. The chart on the strips say the KH is ideal but I not sure how convert the triple digit readings so I can read the CO2 charts.

Example - The Planted Aquarium / Aquarium Plants

I'm using red sea co2 indicator drop test. I think this is easier. I just need to change the liquid when i change water... the test is about $9 on ebay.
its because you are reading ppm instead of dkh i think 180 ppm is close to 10 dkh but also check with others on that.
Badbart, I would also consider moving away from those strip tests, and get the liquid titration tests. They will allow you to get a more accurate handle on your pH/KH/GH levels. In my limited experience, I also started out with the strips, but found when I switched to titration that I could narrow in on the readings.
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