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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 28, 2009
I just purchased a painted turtle less than 2 weeks ago for my 7 year old son, but I really enjoy this pet myself. I am trying to make the best possible home and habitat for him and am open to any advice you all may have. We have an aquarium, and an aquatic turtle kit from Petsmart, I purchased reptomin, and rosy red minnows, and some leafy greens. However, the turtle is now in a ten gallon tank (he's pretty small), but we want to get him a larger home. I had read that rubbermaid aquariums are economical today in another website. I would eventually like to add another turtle down the line. I'm wondering what size aquarium would be standard for 2 painted turtles, or just 1 for now, and any other aquarium ideas...
Welcome to AA! :)

Check out Welcome to ATP for excellent turtle care advice. IMO, 2 painteds will need a pretty big tank (or tub) of ~75G+.
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