Type of anemone (Rock?)

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 7, 2005
Picked up approximately 20 lbs of live rock and placed in newly set up 24 gallon nano cube. Once the sand cleared, noticed this creature. He has since moved several times up closer to the light.

I thought this might be a rock anemone (which I know absolutely nothing about), and wanted input on whether my diagnosis is correct and if he is friend or foe.


Looks like a species of glass anemone (aiptasia). Those small polyps below it in the second picture look like more spreading. Likely foe more than friend.
actually looks more like a manjano . I have a couple in my pico , I think that they are pretty just dont let them get out of hand as they carry a potent sting ..
actually looks more like a manjano

Actually it is hard to tell which for a few reasons, however they shouls be removed. Aiptasia can take over faster but like you would not believe.

Try Joes Juice for larger ones, a few peppermint and go from there.
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