Unhealthy Black Moor?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 27, 2011

I've got a 50 gallon tank with 2 fancy goldfish, the moor and a "miniature butterfly koi".
Recently the black moor (bovril) has only been active when food is in the tank, the rest of the time he/she sits on the bottom, head towards the gravel with tail upwards. Most of the time completely motionless. Other three fish are happy as anything and really active, only bovril seems to be under the weather.

Any ideas?

I have two goldfish tank (commons and fancy (1 black moor). What are your water parameters? As you probably know goldish are happiest with 10 X gallons per hour fitration and near perfect water conditions. Black moors are sensitive to nitrates... What are your levels? Does he bottom sit less after a water change? Sometimes it could be constipation. Have you feed them peas lately?
My first thought is diet when a goldfish starts acting odd. What are you feeding, and how long have you been feeding it?

My second thought is water quality issues. How long has the tank been set up? And can you give us current test results for pH, amonia, nitrates?
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