Up Aqua Inline Atomizer Maintenance

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 10, 2013
I'm relatively new to pressurized CO2. Near the canister filter in the return line, I installed an Up Aqualung Inline Atomizer. I've had it in for about three months and it works great. Recently, the CO2 bubbler is showing the flow slowing down and then stopping. I turn up the CO2 and it starts bubbling again, then eventually slows down and stops.

I think my CO2 atomizer needs to be cleaned. I searched around on the Internet looking for instructions on how to clean it. I couldn't find anything. Any ideas? It does not look like it comes apart, but I could be wrong.
put it in a bowl with peroxide in it for a day , then rinse it out
I have two that I rotate when I need to clean one, as it is majorly inconvenient to just remove an inline diffuser for an entire day, as you need to disassemble the whole thing. I also use hydrogen peroxide to clean it.

Also, it sounds like your working pressure might be a bit low.
Thank you, having two is a great idea. I cleaned it and it is working again, plus I turned the CO2 up a bit. I think I will order another one.
I turned up the pressure. Adjusting the needle valve didn't help.
High pressure gauge reads about 25 psi. Low pressure gauge reads 3 psi.
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