Update of s....ick fish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 24, 2003
West Virginia
Well I am down to 2 tiger barbs now....they still have ick tho.....Checked the water in the tank for everything....Parameters ......Perfect!!!!!!!!!!! Qtank...........Perfect!!!!!!!!!!! I did invest in 2 more rainbow fish today while I was in Lexington,KY. I just couldnt help myself and they are staying in the qtank for 3 wks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for my ICKY fish......I treated again tonight with meds. I gave up the heat thing it never reached a high enough temp or it was just high enough that they just exploded with ick and kicked them bucket. At least I know that my water is ok.....if only I could get rid of the ICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: Evil little demons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a golden white cloud to die today....who knows what from...probably from the ick meds.

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