URGENT: Lighting Help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 8, 2013
I'm heading to a LFS soon to look for a new light for my 20 gallon tank (12inch deep). I got both FLOURISH tabs and liquid (5ml/daily). DIY Co2 set up, 1~2bps. Tank is fully cycled.

I already got some HC going with my 6.500K 3Wx6 LED lighting but I don't think it's enough to get some real nice carpet.

Got two rummy nose tetras in the tank so I cannot do a dry method.

I need some inputs! URGENT HELP PLEASE!

I vote finnex ray 2 if you want a real nice carpet...if you want LED's check out the link in my sig, there is some good LED's there- I think that 60 PAR would be minimum for that tank
I dunno, the Ray II might get a run for its money against a 6x3w. In terms of raw wattage, that's more than the Ray II's 15w.

What fixture is this?
Thank you two for some real helpful inputs.

Finnex ray 2 does look legit but I almost want a light that's not LED because I want some intense light temporarily and once i get the carpet, I might consider switching it back to my LED light.

How many watts or K is enough you think for my tank? Or whatever intensity that ensures a good growth without being untenable intense for algae to bloom.
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