Urgent! Need help, my fish is dying.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 25, 2009
Relocated to St. Louis with job. From NYC and soon
I have a 20 gallon tank with 5 mollies. 1 molly is an adult and 4 babies. I had 6 mollies and one of the babies died last night. The adult molly has been ill for at least two weeks. At first I thought it was swim bladder. I fed her peeled peas. She began to improve and then she took a turn for the worse. She lays on the bottom of the tank, sometimes eats, and once in awhile she will swim. Now, one of the other babies is showing the same symptoms. I have no idea what to do. Help!

Note: About 2 months ago I added painted aquarium safe rocks. I feel it may have something to do with the problem. They have since been removed from the tank. If it is toxic poisoning, what can i do to save the fish?

Please do not reply with "too many mollies in tank." They're still babies and i'm finding homes for them. I've given away about many so far. The tank is not, and has not, been overcrowded. I have 10 gallon tanks, fully cycled, for the fry.

no signs of ich
no signs of any other illness

My habits:

I use prime for my water changes.
I do 20-25% changes every week including gravel vacuum
Filter - Bio wheel 200 (200 gph)
I add 2 tablespoons of API freshwater salt with each water change. Some people say not too, use marine salt. I don't think this would contribute to my fish dying. But, who knows.

Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 10
PH 7.5
KH - 4
GH - 8
Temp 80
Are they bloated at all. Any discolorations or breathing fast?

What I would do first is a 50% water change. Do you have an airstone in the tank?
thank you for repling, no, shes not bloated, color is good. Her eyes look like their popping out. No airstone, i have an air pump with a hose at the bottom of the tank. the bubbles are pushed from the bottom to the top of the tank. breathing is shallow
If it is a sand bottom it may have gas pockets built up. Gently stir the sand. I would add some epsom salt after the water change in place of aquarium salt. Epsom salt can relieve pressure and/or fluid build ups. If his eyes look like they are bulging out it is worth a try,
If you have another empty tank that you can use as a QT go ahead, otherwise treat her in that tank. The epsom salts will not harm her. Not sure that medication will help.
Sorry, to hear of your loss.
Keep an eye on the other fish. Hopefully all will stay well with them.

“Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant?? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my God....I could be eating a slow learner"

When you think about it it's either :
A) They probably can pick out the tasty ones from the tank.
B) It's always fresh because it was swimming just a few minutes ago.
C) They should know the best recipies.
D) They won't ever have to worry about being over stocked.
E) All of the above. lol.
BAHAHAHAHA! Good point. Although I don't think I would be very happy to find out I was eating Baby Shamu...Or an otter.....LOLZ!
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