Using ground covers and substrate?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 12, 2009
Im going to be setting up a 10 gallon aquarium with either dwarf hairgrass, Riccia, or Dwarf baby tears with Seachem flourite as my substrate. I'm wondering if I should even use a gravel on top of the flourite because my plan is to let one of these grow over the entire bottom to form a grassy/mossy carpet on the bottom of the tank. Any info into what I should do is appreciated.
No need for the gravel on top. Most foreground plants will root/attach much better to smaller substrates than they would larger ones like gravel.

Flourite is a great planting substrate. I have used it several times. There is no need to place gravel on top of it. The only problem I have ever had with this substrate is the fact that it turns the water cloudy upon initial setup. It goes away quickly though. I have placed standard aquarium gravel on top of it before to try to reduce the clouding. The water was still cloudy. Plants root quickly in Flourite. I would use it and nothing else!
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