vegetarian / vegan fish tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 20, 2010
I'm vegetarian :cool: and this might sound weird but I'm in the process of setting up my first 55g fowlr tank and i was wondering if my fish could be vegetarian too :lol:, so far I've identified yellow tang which solely depends on sea veggies and another beautiful one i found was foxface rabbitfish :D

do you guys know of any more. my Google skills are good but just two out of 100's of saltwater aquarium fish is not promising :(

also, can i just buy the frozen seaweed from Asian groceries? do they process it with other chemicals.
"Bimini tang" didn't bring up anything on google. is there another name?
thanks, also are all tangs collected from the sea? even the yellow tang? i was hoping to get tank bred saltwater fish.
They do breed clowns a lot. Not sure about the others. Not sure if I've ever heard of farm bred or farm raised tangs before. Heck, I'm sure that guy named Google might be able to tell you. :)
You talk about the yellow tang, I feed mine Brocchli and dried seaweed. They are herbivores.
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