Very High Ammonia

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 29, 2009
Cambridge, MA. USA
I've done a couple of 50% water changes and my ammonia is still testing extremely high. I had previously been trying to start my cycle using fish food. I have nitrites but no nitrates yet and have stopped adding any more flakes.

This is a fishless cycle but there are a few plants in the tank. I'm using eco-complete substrate.

Is this normal? :confused: I really thought I'd see a drop in the ammonia after changing out the water but that's not the case.
how high of ammonia? if its too high off the charts it might be even more then it could test for.
how high of ammonia? if its too high off the charts it might be even more then it could test for.

It's testing at 8.0ppm each time. I'm using a drop kit test. I'm pretty shocked that it's this high after doing two 50% water changes. :eek:

I figure I'm going to try and do another 50% and see if it drops but I've stopped trying to feed the ammonia so wasn't sure if it was coming from some other source -- o_O

*** UPDATE: ****

I just tested my water straight from the tap and it tests at just about 1.0ppm for ammonia. Could this be accurate or is something messing with this test?


After some research it seems that Ammonia is unregulated in tap-water and this is not uncommon. It could also be due to the city using Chloromine instead of Chlorine to treat bacterial growth in the water. Someone has suggested I treat my water-change water with PRIME before putting it into the tank.
well there you go. do more water changes until it drops back down to 3-5ppm. one of the reasons i dont like shrimp or flakes for cycling a tank is its hard to control. it could be that the tap is giving you false positives. i would contact your water company and ask them if you have one.
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