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Wow. I'm starting to regret not getting some of these. You have a great pair. I saw the video, Hukit must have forwarded to me at some point.

I'm still growing out the fry, I believe there's enough for both of you left. Yea he forwarded that video to you because he couldn't get over how barred they were.
What sort of big boys did you have in mind?

Amphilophus trimaculatus, Astatheros robertsoni, exCichlasoma bocourti, Herichthys sp. "Blue Labridens" & Yellow, Nandopsis haitiensis, Red Tiger motaguensis, Vieja Zonatus. Just to name a few! I'm sure there's plenty more, I have them all written down somewhere these are just what I remembered off the top of my head.
Yes, they are F1 "Gold Mixteco" Rio Coatzacoalcos, I got them from The Wet Spot in Portland Oregon who buys allot of their Centrals directly from Rusty Wessel. I agree they do look a bit like macullpinnis, however macullpinnis/ellioti have allot more red in the bellies/fins than the Mixtecos do.

They look great, I can't wait as I've got some free space in the fish room again! I don't have the video any longer but I did forward it to 5x5 since he wasn't completely sold on the mixtecos. They are showing more yellow than my pair from Rapps had(Herichthys turquoise no likey mixtecos:().
They look great, I can't wait as I've got some free space in the fish room again! I don't have the video any longer but I did forward it to 5x5 since he wasn't completely sold on the mixtecos. They are showing more yellow than my pair from Rapps had(Herichthys turquoise no likey mixtecos:().

Your turquoise no likely pretty much anything! Lol no females, no mixtecos? Haha what a loner
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