Volitan Lionfish Is Sick With Ich

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Jasonanatal What kind of fungus does this lion have? What signs of fungus is the lion showing?

Jasonanatal - Is this type of outbreak normal?

Lions are pretty hardy fish but when they are stressed they can show many different symptoms. A lion can stress from tank size, tank mates or even water quality.
Having this lion in a smaller tank with a puffer, this alone would be enough to stress this fish, they are not aggressive fish, they hang out on the rocks & swim at their own leisure.

Diet plays a very important part in the health of a lion, what are you feeding?

Freshwater foods should never be fed to a lion unless they are ghost shrimp gut loaded with a nutritional flake food or cyclopezee, They need a variety of meaty foods such as Krill, silversides, Raw shrimp, mysis, Octo, squid & so on. Foods should also be soaked in vitamins 2-3 times per week.

Hi Cindy his web site says that too, but many say dont not use copper .. I agree with just about all of fenners lion care to....lol

I used quick cure from Apro to treat the Ich it says its only 2 days needed to completely treat it. However, yesterday the spots where gone but some fluffy mucos like substance was on the edge of the fins and scales so I purchased the medicine for the Fungus which also treats fin rot and he is on that for the next week in his own QT tank. He seem better today since the treatments last night. Before the Fungus treatment he was gulping for air at the top of the regular tank and breathing extremely heavy in quick intervals today he is more relaxed looks a litter more vibrant and his color seems to be returning.
Okay guys Well here is the most descriptive I can get. I'm new to posting so bare with me. The Volitan Lionfish has white spots on his skin along with a milky white substance on him. I treated him for Ich in the main tank and even gave saltwater baths for two days. Yesterday night his spots were gone however the milky substance was still their and his respiration was accelerated. I purchase fungal medicine and placed the Volitan Lionfish in a Quarintine tank and he is now alone being treated for the next five days. His respiration seems more reduced and his color seem a bit brighter, yet their is still some milky white substance on him. I hope this is more descriptive. I also did a 50% water change in the main aquarium. Any advice from keeping me from losing my little boy would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your help so far. :cry:
The Milky Mucus you might be seeing is the shedding, lions will shed their skin. It is a Milky slim so that would be normal for the lion to do, it is one way the lion can help rid parasites from it's body.

I would not treat for fungus, it will eventually come off, you can take a turkey baster & gently blow it off to help it along.
Would you suggest to be on the safe side to continue the Fungus treatment and the Ich Treatment combined or should I treat for Ich then Treat for Fungus?
I would treat for Ich & not treat for a fungus, I dont think your lion has a fungus.

I will do that. I have the Lionfish in a 10 gallon quarintine tank with an airstone and the water has been treated to fight fungus. Should I just apply the Ich Treatment to the water or should I dump and prepare all new water for the 10 gallon quarintine tank? I will be waiting for your responses. Thank you all for you help in this very stressfull matter. :roll:
If your water already has medicine in it for fungus, I would start fresh. You also have a puffer correct? How is it doing? Any signs of illness?
The Puffer is doing fine as I can tell. Still extremely active and no signs of Ich since I understand that he is extremely susceptible to it. He did however, puff up today twice in the first time since I have owned him with some darting back and fourth which make me worry alittle. Should I be worried at all? I'm so confused right now! :roll:
Have you tested your water lately? Normally they only puff up if under substantial amount of stress. This could be from being moved around, stressed by thier tank mate (not likely since they are not in contact with each other), being in a small enclosure or water parameters being high. If your levels (ammonia, nitrite) are elevated, that could be part of the problem with your lion as well. Do you own a test kit? A liquid test, not the dip strips. If not, take a sample to your lfs for testing.
I own a Liquid Test Kit and I always take readings every Friday and everything is within normal parameters. I will test the water again since I did a 50% water change last night but I only had time to test for the salinity this morning which is also within normal parameters. I will give you the exact readings tonight if you would like Fluff. I hope I'm not taking up too much of your time. You have been with me no this from the beginning. Once again I thank you.
Yeah, just for the sake of it, test and post your findings. Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, ph, temp and salinity. I'm not sure why your fish are getting sick or behaving erratically but we have to start somewhere. Also, when you did the water change did you make sure the salinity, ph and temps were the same? Large changes in these numbers will effect your fish. These may seem like no brainer things but I needed to ask. :)
Okay guys I have had some wonderful change off events since yesterday afternoon. I went to Petco after work and I purchased a Marineland Penguin Bio-wheel 100 filter that cycles 20 gallons which is excellent for my 10 gallon quarintine tank.

I came home yesterday and removed and prepared new water for the Volitan Lionfish and emptied out the water he was currently in because his skin was all over the bottom of the tank as well as himself. It looked like he swam through a bunch of spider webs. I treated the water as recomended with the Ich treatment. This morning I check on him and their are minimal sign of shedding in the tank and on his body and he seems more relaxed but appears extremely week. I retreated the water again and will be following this routine for the next 2 weeks until he is healthy. The Volitan Lionfish is however, still not eating.

As for the Starry Puffer. All water conditions are correct and he is active as normal. he is also happy to have a 30 gallon tank all to himself. I'm glad he is not longer blowing up. :)
Stay on top of the water changes for the lion. A few changes a week to keep the ammonia and nitrites in check is suggested. Had he ever eaten for you? Or only quit since he's been sick?
The Volitan Lionfish has always eaten for me from day one. He has only just stopped eating since he started getting sick which tipped me off to a possible problem.
Give him some time. The shuffling around to a different tank and the meds etc, may just have him stressed. If he doesn't eat in a couple days, you could try soaking his food (assuming you don't feed live food) in some garlic extract. I use Kent's product Garlic Extreme and it has worked well in getting reluctant feeders going again. HTH
I'm sorry to let everyone know that my little one Achilles, my Volitan Lionfish is about to pass away. Despite all your advice and my best efforts and sleepless nights. :cry: He appears to be disintegrating in the tank. His Antennea have almost falling off and the webs between them are completely gone. I'm fearfull to purchase another Volitan unless I know what caused this. Could anyone please help? :roll:

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