Want another 30 gal shark (catfish) advice

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 14, 2013
Hi there i want to setup another 30 gal freshwater tank. The type of fish i would like to have are shark which we all know are catfish or minnows but still pretty cool. I need help with what equitment i need. I also need to know which sharks can be in a 30 gal and how much. If there are any fish that look good with sharks (i prefer bright colorful fish). Should I use live or fake plants? What decorations would be good for them? Food type? Gravel or sand? Any help is great. Thanks!!!!

I currently maintain a 65 gal with a tiger Oscar and pleco in it, a 30 gal community tank, and a 10 gal breeding tank (currently breeding bettas).
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