Wanted: wanted beginner low light plants..

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 6, 2012
Montgomery,LA (Central Louisiana)
Im lookin for easy plants that require low light such as java ferns ,java moss, anything easy to care for as im tryin to start a planted tank..will b addind plants to a 5.5 gal and a 10gal.. live in central la can do local pickup or shipping...thanks in advance
I have java moss and Anacharis. Both are easy to grow low light plants.
kjacks said:
How much u want for some of both?

$2 per bunch of anacharis. A bunch has 3-5 strands that are 5+" long. Java moss is $2.50 for a golf ball sized clump.
kjacks said:
Will that b enough for both my tanks the 10gal n the 5.5gal?

They won't fill the tanks, but once they grow they will fill out and make the tanks look more full.
Thts fine im gonna ge some frogbit also...is it ok of we make the transaction on friday whb my hubby gets paid..i have a paypal account i can prolly send it out thursday night
kjacks said:
Thts fine im gonna ge some frogbit also...is it ok of we make the transaction on friday whb my hubby gets paid..i have a paypal account i can prolly send it out thursday night

Sure, any time after the 4th is fine with me. :)
I just read up some on the anacharis..it said it grows better in cooler water..my tanks stay around 72-78°F... Also i read if in warmer waters it requires co2 n plenty of ferts...what do u do for urs..i know nothing about using co2
kjacks said:
I just read up some on the anacharis..it said it grows better in cooler water..my tanks stay around 72-78°F... Also i read if in warmer waters it requires co2 n plenty of ferts...what do u do for urs..i know nothing about using co2

I grow mine at 72° F under 15w CFLs. It grows fast and I haven't had to use co2 or ferts at all. I have grown it in 80° water just fine. I doubt that it needs co2 and ferts in warmer water, it might just not grow as fast because of the heat. But then again, my meaning of heat could be different from what you read.
maxwellag said:
$2 per bunch of anacharis. A bunch has 3-5 strands that are 5+" long. Java moss is $2.50 for a golf ball sized clump.

Ok so i only want the $2 bunch of anacharis..for now just let me know how much total to send n what where to send it.. here is my zip 71454 louisiana.. ill prolly send it thru paypal in the morning ..
Oh n i saw that u have red cherry shrimp i want to get some of them later on is there anythijg special i would need to do for them as far as substrate r mayb addin specific types of hidin spots..might pick up a tank just for them
Oh n i saw that u have red cherry shrimp i want to get some of them later on is there anythijg special i would need to do for them as far as substrate r mayb addin specific types of hidin spots..might pick up a tank just for them

If they are the only thing in the tank, they don't need any hiding spots. They like to eat shrimp specific foods like Fluval Shrimp Granules. They also eat some other foods that aren't just for shrimp, like algae wafers. If they are in a tank with fish and want to breed them, I would provide lots of hiding spots. Java moss and other bushy plants are perfect. If they're in a tank with fish and you don't want to breed them, don't provide hiding spots and the shrimp babies will be eaten.
Do u still have anacharis and Java moss maxwellag? What would shipping be to 72901 for like 3 clumps of moss and 8 anacharis?
maxwellag said:
If they are the only thing in the tank, they don't need any hiding spots. They like to eat shrimp specific foods like Fluval Shrimp Granules. They also eat some other foods that aren't just for shrimp, like algae wafers. If they are in a tank with fish and want to breed them, I would provide lots of hiding spots. Java moss and other bushy plants are perfect. If they're in a tank with fish and you don't want to breed them, don't provide hiding spots and the shrimp babies will be eaten.

Thanks...im gonna check out some tanks tomorrow n see if anything catches me eye..
Do u still have anacharis and Java moss maxwellag? What would shipping be to 72901 for like 3 clumps of moss and 8 anacharis?

I don't have enough java moss right now but I have enough anacharis.
Ok so i only want the $2 bunch of anacharis..for now just let me know how much total to send n what where to send it.. here is my zip 71454 louisiana.. ill prolly send it thru paypal in the morning ..

Ok. Shipping will be $2 in a bubble mailer. Total would be $4. I will PM you my paypal email.
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