Wanting to change gravel out

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 23, 2008

I am wanting to change the gravel in my 5 gallon tank to sand. I know that beneficial bacteria grows on gravel and don't want to upset it. I have had my 5 gallon tank for about 6 months now. What is the best way to transfer this? I am wanting to make this tank a small planted tank.

How much sand should i put in? Should i mix with gravel?
How do you clean sand with a python?

Sorry, so many questions.

I have three guppies in it at the moment.
Hey Tifta,
I had the exact same problly. So what I did is take around 30-40% of the water out. You can put that same water back in or clean water it doesn't matter. Then You take a cup and start scoupin the gravel out. Only take out around 1/2 to 3/4 of the gravel out so you don't destory the bacteria bed. Then push what gravel you can to one side. Then add you sand in. Normally you don't want to put much sand because the fish waste will sink into the sand and create this deadly anomia bubbles, but since you got plants with roots and such you don't have to worry about it. So try to add around 5 gallons of sand to make it look good. With the left over gravel you have in the aquarium still you can either mix it with the sand. Or put it on top of the sand. Whatever you prefer.

I don't use a python but i use another aquarium gravel cleaner. All I do is get close enough to the bottom so it sucks up stuff but not the sand. You'll learn on your own how close and far away you need to get.

And since you have guppies and i'm expecting atleast one is female and one is male. I suggest getting either dwarf hairgrass, pygmy chain sword, dwarf sag, micro sword, Riccia, or these baby tear clovers or something. All of these plants are foreground plants. Most will try to create a carpet like floor. Which will be perfect for your fry to hind in.

Well I hope this helped you out

Message me back with your results :)

Hey Tifta,
I had the exact same problly. So what I did is take around 30-40% of the water out. You can put that same water back in or clean water it doesn't matter. Then You take a cup and start scoupin the gravel out. Only take out around 1/2 to 3/4 of the gravel out so you don't destory the bacteria bed. Then push what gravel you can to one side. Then add you sand in. Normally you don't want to put much sand because the fish waste will sink into the sand and create this deadly anomia bubbles, but since you got plants with roots and such you don't have to worry about it. So try to add around 5 gallons of sand to make it look good. With the left over gravel you have in the aquarium still you can either mix it with the sand. Or put it on top of the sand. Whatever you prefer.

I don't use a python but i use another aquarium gravel cleaner. All I do is get close enough to the bottom so it sucks up stuff but not the sand. You'll learn on your own how close and far away you need to get.

And since you have guppies and i'm expecting atleast one is female and one is male. I suggest getting either dwarf hairgrass, pygmy chain sword, dwarf sag, micro sword, Riccia, or these baby tear clovers or something. All of these plants are foreground plants. Most will try to create a carpet like floor. Which will be perfect for your fry to hind in.

Well I hope this helped you out

Message me back with your results :)


Hey thanks for the help, was trying to figure out what would be the best way of doing this. Are you using any liquid fertilizer? I am wanting to use some for my plants. And how much sand? I saw you put 5 gallons of sand and I don't think you meant that lol.

I got 3 female guppies in there so no more fry for me. I might end up sticking them into my ten gallon tank. I might put some Japaneses shrimp and some other type of fish in with it. Not sure what, maybe some neons or something small. Any recommendations?
Yeah I'm just starting to use co2 but I don't think thats a huge requirment if you have enough fish to produce a little bit. But my dwarf hairgrass is growing fine. Yeah I use PlantGro and thats it. I meant to say 5 lbs of sand ha.

My 5 gallon right now has one of my molly fry I just threw in there he is about 1in. But originally I had 5 ghost shrimp, 1 small killi fish, 4 neon tetras, and one very small bushy nose pleco. He is only 2in so it's fun watching him. And the killi fish nip at your fingers and chase them if you put them in the aquarium. It's funny.

But yeah suggestion would be neon tetras, but if your getting killi try only 1 first. Because I had 3 and all them in the 55 then I moved the small one in my 5 and the secound smallest one got killed i think by the biggest one. But yeah killifish would be good. A betta would be pretty cool. Maybe even just 2 dwarf blue rams.

Just stuff that is small and such.

And don't worry about overstocking. Since you have the live plants that's just like having another big filter, which you can then handel more fish.
Most of the bacteria lives in your filter, so you should be able to completely remove the old substrate if you don't want to mix with your new sand. If you're feeling uncertain you could replace half now and half in a couple weeks. Just make sure to keep an eye on the Ammonia and Nitrite after the swap and be prepared to do water changes if necessary. In all likelihood you won't see a minicycle though.

About 2-3" of sand is a nice amount for a planted aquarium. A bag of Pool Filter Sand is a really good grain size for plants and will have more than enough for your aquarium.

When cleaning you want to just swoosh the vac above the gravel to pick up any excess mulm and leave the rest to work it's way into the gravel and fertilize the plants.
I was wondering what would be a good sand to use. I will give the pool filler a go. Will it look better with gravel mixed up with it, or gravel on bottom sand on top, or just sand in the whole thing? And is it hard to keep plants from coming up in sand? Or will I have to keep it down with something?

Are CO2 injections expensive? Or will some liquid fertilize work alright?

I got so many questions, so sorry :p I just want to learn and do it right!
I actually find that sand grips the plants better than gravel, at least when it comes to the finer rooted foreground plants. Haven't noticed a difference with the other plants. The sand is going to eventually settle to the bottom no matter what you do if you mix it with gravel. My preference would be to have just straight sand.

There are several different ways you can supplement carbon in an aquarium. You can inject CO2 with either a DIY or Pressurized setup, or you can dose Flourish Excel. In your situation I'd probably recommend Flourish Excel as long as you don't have Vals or Anacharis which it doesn't play nicely with. None of these are really necessary unless you've seriously upgraded your lighting though.
So I too bought the gravel before researching much and now am thinking of changing to something finer for my delicate fish. I was all excited about this pool filter sand until I realized that the smallest size I can find it in is 50 lb bag. I'm pretty sure my 14 does NOT need anywhere near 50 lbs of sand in it :-? Any suggestions (other than storing or trashing the unused poundage)?
So I too bought the gravel before researching much and now am thinking of changing to something finer for my delicate fish. I was all excited about this pool filter sand until I realized that the smallest size I can find it in is 50 lb bag. I'm pretty sure my 14 does NOT need anywhere near 50 lbs of sand in it :-? Any suggestions (other than storing or trashing the unused poundage)?

I bought a 50 lbs of sand at home depot for 6 bucks. It's a heck of a lot cheaper to get it that big. I went to Petsmart and hated their sand and it was 20 dollars for a 5 lbs bag. I know it's a lot of sand but gonna probably use the rest of the sand for plants outside and maybe store some extra for the tank just in case I end up sucking it all up in the python when PWC need to be done.
Haha Tifta good point! I'd probably end up sucking up all the sand too then having to buy a 2nd 50 lb bag.

Does pool filter sand come in different colors?
I only saw the brown sand when I was there. I think it looks great though once you get it into your tank. :p I am actually thinking of putting the sand into my ten gallon tank now. It looks great!
Does pool filter sand come in different colors?

It does. Unfortunately the colors available to you will be dictated by what's locally available. So while it come in a wide array of colors, you may only have one choice where you are at.
hey, tifta, can you post a picture of your pool filter sand? i think i wanna try some in my 20G :D
hey, tifta, can you post a picture of your pool filter sand? i think i wanna try some in my 20G :D

this is the best picture I could get on my tank. I really love the texture and the look of this pool filler! Just make sure to rinse the sand until the water runs clear before you put it in. I added some crystal clear to the water to make all the dust settle to the bottom. I got my bag at home depot for 5 bucks in the garden section.
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