Wanting to start a salt water tank but know nothing.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 21, 2010
I am wanting to start a salt water aquarium but I know NOTHING, when I say nothing, I mean nothing.

I have a 30 gallon freshwater tank with some guppys right now, but my plan is to make the 30 gallon a salt water and get another tank for the guppys. I have no idea where to start...

I have:

-30 gallon aquarium
-filter (whisper brand)

Can anyone help me out by telling me what else I need to set it up and get it cycled?

Should I start out with fish, fish/corral, fish/corral/live rock?

I really like the fish and this is the main reason I am doing this so I'd like to have a few at least.

How many fish can I keep in a 30 gallon?

What "starter" fish do you reccomend?

Can you make me a list of things I need to purchase (equipment, salt, chemicals, etc)

Thanks in advance!

-I'd like to add I have done some research (I cant for the life of me understand most of it but..) I think I want a Clownfish and a Royal Gramma. Supposivly there hardy fish who have about the same tank requirements. I'll copy some of the information I have gathered so you can confirm if it is true.

Name: Royal Gramma
Size: 3.2 inches
Diet: Brine shrimp. plankton, mysids, krill, chopped shaell fish such as clams, scallops, and high quality pellets.
-- Tank requirments....
Gravity- 1.020-1.025
PH- 8.1-8.4
Temperatures-72-78 F
Light- Low- Medium
Additional notes- Plenty of live rock, doesn't bother reef, do not keep with pseudormod, dottyback, or basslet.

Name: Clownfish
Size: 2-5 inches
Diet: Algea, Brine shrimp. plankton, mysids, krill, chopped shaell fish such as clams, scallops,
-- Tank requirments....
Gravity- ?
PH- 8.1-8.3
Temperatures-77-83 F
Light- No special requirements

--Another add.. I am thinking of getting some sort of sand to cover the bottom can someone reccommend one? Should I get live rock?
Congratulations! That's for doing the research before jumping into the SW arena. You won't regret your decision.

SW does require more upfront cost than FW, but it's well worth it. That sticky is a great place to start. The fish you posted are great choices.

Please read the fishless cycle article too (see my sig for the articles area) and post your questions as they come up. It's better to post a single question per post topic to get the best possible response.

Check out our articles section as well on how to cycle, and other general information. Another big props for coming to research and learn before you just plunked some nemos in a tank with tap water and some mortons.
Welcome to AA!
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