Water Current

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 12, 2012
Hi guys. I have a 4ft planted tank and want more of current in it as the end furthest from the filter (and plug sockets) is occasionally the water surface developing a skin (I think this is because of food etc). Do you think this solar pump will help or work? http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=300593866963 I have two 32w daylight plant t8 bulbs. Any advice welcome

If it's developing a skin can't you move the filter upwards? Or you could add another filter.
Samzter said:
If it's developing a skin can't you move the filter upwards? Or you could add another filter.

I think the key is the comment about plug sockets?

Although tbh I agree, the filter is their as a filter, not really for a current. You could ofcourse upgrade to a canister filer so the in and out are at opposite ends, or even just add a small power head on an extension lead...
Barakis said:
I think the key is the comment about plug sockets?

Although tbh I agree, the filter is their as a filter, not really for a current. You could ofcourse upgrade to a canister filer so the in and out are at opposite ends, or even just add a small power head on an extension lead...

Thanks for replies.

Yeah I have no sockets left. My heater and filter are on an extension lead already.

Id look at upgrading my filter but I have diy co2 fed into it as a diffuser. It seems to work better for plants with the flow down therefore circulating the co2 well. However this leaves the top barely rippling.

I thought more flow from a pump may help. Wasnt sure if the science of solar and t8 daylight bulbs would work ?

Thanks again.
sedgy90 said:
Thanks for replies.

Yeah I have no sockets left. My heater and filter are on an extension lead already.

Id look at upgrading my filter but I have diy co2 fed into it as a diffuser. It seems to work better for plants with the flow down therefore circulating the co2 well. However this leaves the top barely rippling.

I thought more flow from a pump may help. Wasnt sure if the science of solar and t8 daylight bulbs would work ?

Thanks again.

You could run an interpet ap2 (or something) through an air curtain accross the far wall of the tank. That way you get surface movement, air, and you can use airline to travel the distance instead of power. My AP1 happily runs a 12" air curtain.

I don't know enough to say about the solar though, the theory makes sence.
Barakis said:
You could run an interpet ap2 (or something) through an air curtain accross the far wall of the tank. That way you get surface movement, air, and you can use airline to travel the distance instead of power. My AP1 happily runs a 12" air curtain.

I don't know enough to say about the solar though, the theory makes sence.

That sounds like a good idea. And would be possible with my plug situation. If I dnt get solar advice and as long as it looks ok I may give that a try.

Buy a bigger power board and add a mini power head pointing at the surface this will displace the top waste causing it iver sink it where the filter can pick it up or do nothing lol sorry just throwing my 10 cents in
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