Water movement quaestions for BioCube 29g

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 19, 2006
I set up a BioCube 29G, it is now being cycled. I have no experince with Nano reefs so I need to know the following:

1) Is the stock pump (rated at 243gph, used as a return from the w/d filter) enough, or should I replace it with a stronger pump, such as Maxi-jet 1200

2) Do I need a powerhead (in addition to the stock pump) inside the tank for extra water movement. I will be having softies/mushrooms only.

The stock pump gives you a turnover rate of 8 times per hour.
That puts it in the ballpark of where it should be.
That doesn't mean there won't be dead spots in the tank tho...
I would just go with the stock pump for now and if it looks like it needs it in the future you can always add another ph to eliminate any dead spots or give an area a higher flow rate.

Softies/mushrooms are pretty forgiving in the way of light and flow.
Mine do well all over my tanks from high flow to low flow and from shady spots to areas that get 10wpg.
Just make sure your water params are perfect before spending any $$$ on corals.

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