Water parameters

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
Water for my 20 gallon tanks. tested with liquid API
20 Gallon tank
Nitrate 5.0
Nitrite 0
Ammonia is 0

6.5 gallon tank
Nitrate 5.0
Nitrite 0
Ammonia is 0

My other 6.5 gallon tank
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Ammonia is 0
water test

chlorine 0
total hardness 75ppm
carbonate 80 ppm
ph 6.4
20 gallon tank

6.5 gallon tank
chlorine 0
total hardness 75ppm
carbonate 0 ppm
ph 6.4

6.5 gallon tank
chlorine 0
total hardness 75ppm
carbonate 0
ph 6.4

I'm turning into a mad scientist again. lol
chlorine 0
total hardness 75ppm
carbonate 80 ppm
ph 6.4
20 gallon tank

6.5 gallon tank
chlorine 0
total hardness 75ppm
carbonate 0 ppm
ph 6.4

6.5 gallon tank
chlorine 0
total hardness 75ppm
carbonate 0
ph 6.4

I'm turning into a mad scientist again. lol

Yes, you become a scientist when you keep fish tanks. (y) The mad part is all yours :whistle::lol::lol: :D
New testing.

New testing on my tanks.

Water for my 20 gallon tanks. tested with liquid API
20 Gallon tank
Nitrate 5.0
Nitrite 0
Ammonia is 0
High ph 7.4

6.5 gallon tank
Nitrate 5.0
Nitrite 0
Ammonia is 0
Ph 7.4

My last tank finally has cycled.
My other 6.5 gallon tank
Nitrate 5.0
Nitrite 0
Ammonia is 0
ph 7.4
Test results. What does it look like to you

Test results for Nitrate.. What does it look like to you? Does it look like 0 or 5.0? The top is 0 which is yellow. The orange one is 5.0, does it look orange to you?


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Here is a video of my testing.

Here is a video of Test results for Nitrate
Test results for Nitrate.. What does it look like to you? Does it look like 0 or 5.0? The top is 0 which is yellow. The orange one is 5.0, does it look orange to you?

Looks to me like more than 0 but less than 5. As time goes on, this level should rise. WE all need to start somewhere. ;) ;)
Put the test phial on a white background so it's easier to tell what the colour is.

Most test kits recommend looking down into the phial of tested water and comparing the colour to the colour chart. To do this, you remove the lid from the phial and stand the phial of tested water on the white section of the colour chart. Then look down into the phial.

Check the instructions or contact the manufacturer to see if your test kit recommends this.
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