Wave Making Power Head Add-On

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 9, 2004

I have a 1500L/hr power head which just blows forward.

I have it blowing (from a distance) against some of my corals and they appear to be doing much better since they have had this extra water flow.

I would like to, however, modify this so that it sways back and forth from side to side. The objective is to more accurately simulate the flow of a wave current.

Does anyone know how I might do this, or if there are any attachments I can add to this to achieve my objective?

The power head is very similar to this design:

Thanks in advance.

You can put a sqwd on the pump and have 2 water outlets switch back and forth. Same company makes an add-on for actual powerheads that is supposed to change water direction. Both can be found at foster and smiths website and other places.
Thanks for that. I read the foster and smith site about water movement but I don't get the way their add-ons work.

Could you help?
The "squid" is a valve with 1 input and 2 outputs. As water moves through the unit it moves the valve around so it switches output from 1 side to the other. I put about 1k gph through mine and it switches about every 4 seconds or so. Very simple idea and I'm probably like a hundred others, smacking myself for not thinking of it. I've never tried the powerhead pieces. From looking at the picture I'm guessing it's an add-on nozzle that rotates with water pressure so the direction continually changes. It might be worth a shot for the $12 or so it sells for.

The only other in-tank options I know of are multiple powerheads hooked up to timers to cycle them on and off. Kind of pricey and from what I hear, hard on the powerheads.
Yeah the internal mechanics of that two-way current generator puzzled me, but now make sense.

I might check out my local store.

THanks for that.
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