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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 1, 2003
Central New York
It took 30 days.............My nitrite and Ammonia levels are ZERO! It took several 20% water changes..........changed every other day! My fish and I are much happier.
I've been here often this past month, been keeping a low profile :D but I have picked up ALOT of useful information.

Dave :D
I will never forget the day my tank finished cycling - congrats! Just don't add too many more fish at once! (I made that mistake...)
I've currently got:

3- 2" clown loaches
3- Head/Tail lite Tetras
4-Silver Mollies (1 male, 3 female)
1 YoYo
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Bushynose Pleco

and assorted live plants. I don't plan on adding anything for a while......just going to let things be for a while.

Took 32 days to cycle.

Dave :D
I'm still waiting...~sigh~...... Messed up doing partial water changes....it was just way to much fun sucking up the rocks in the vacuum....... :oops: Oh well so I'm still stuck in the ammonia phase...darn it! And I thought I had only a week left to wait or less. But I'm still having fun. Haven't lost any of the starter fish. Of course I bought zebra danios...very strong fish. (after I tried cardinal tetras!) Soon.....very soon.
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