weird behavior

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Fishyfanatic said:
Tony- Looks like your tank is rolling right along. Any pics?

Sure, but I'm not sure how well the fish will show up, since they are all so tiny. I finally got all settled on my decorations, and I am six fish from having a full tank. Canister filter and some more supplies come on Monday too.
The pic is a little blurry on my end, but it's probably just my net connection. BUT, from what I can tell, so far so good! :D
i actually thought it was another peacock because it looks like a bigger version of the one i have now, plus they hang out alot, but the orange coloring on the body kinda threw me
I don't know if there are meds to treat bacterial blooms. Maybe there is. Anyways, no don't treat the tank with any type of chemical during the cycling process. It will go away on its own. It might be best to keep the lights turned off and maybe just turn them on for a couple hours a day.
i just gets frusterating...seeing my tank cloudy from a bacteria bloom...and seeing pics of everyone elses tanks crystal clear...i guess i have to be patient
Your tank will become crystal clear. Just whatever you do, don't buy any of those products that claim to make your water clear. When you are going through a bacterial bloom, all it does is make the water ALOT more cloudy. And that's talking from experience. I was so frustrated with my 10 gal. I dumped Clarity in the tank on a weekly basis and it just made it so bad that I couldn't find my fish unless they were in the very front of the tank.
so should i start doing partial water changes every week or so, or just let it clear up on its own? sorry for all the questions, but when you invest alot of money into a tank upgrade you want to run it as well as possible :)
Check your water for Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates. When the Ammonia is above 1 do a pwc, if Nitrites look high(I don't remember off hand what the number is), do a pwc. The cloudiness will go away

Ask as many questions are you need, that's what we are here for. :D
i'm on my way now to my lfs to get my water tested...i have a feeling my alkaline levels aren't right and thats one of the problems
just got back from having my water tested...the ph level was fine, ammonia was fine, alkaline was around 8, fine for african cichlids, the nitrites and nitrates were pretty high...i'm thinking because it's still cycling
Do you have the exact values for the test results? NItrites are deadly to fish so if they are pretty high, you need to do some water changes.
i'm starting a water change right now...i might move the tank too...i think it was a little too close to a window...and the indirect natural light may have effected the cloudiness too
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