Weird My Tang Hates.....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2008
So I guess it's Offical My Kole Tang Hates eating Nori from the Clip or Dried Seaweed. Only Likes Mysis and Meaty Foods But will still eat whatever detritus that left behind by the other tank mates and whatever Small Algae that grow but other than that he will not accept the other stuff that is recommend for him.... He's a Hardy Guy.... :p
Drop some macro in there. See if the entices the little buggers taste buds, then try the dried again
For awhile mine would not mess with dried seaweed either but I guess he must have aquired a taste for it as he eats it now. Dont give up on him as he will probably do the same.
I'm having the same trouble with my Hippo and Scopas...won't touch it. I left the Nori out to get a little sturdier and have attached it along with a couple sprigs of Caulerpa (msp) to a piece of LR rubble and put in on a piece of rock. They are interested, but seems the snails are more.

I have been giving them Ocean Nutrition's Formula 2 Flake and Pellet so they will at least get their greens. I don't understand why they don't like last Tang ate it from my hand. Soaking in garlic doesn't seem to make a difference either. I even tried Bok Choy. Not..
Feed your tank every other day and on the off days feed the dried seaweed and they will start to nip on it.
I think I've tried everything today I went to get some Micro Algae and he still does not want it he took it then spit it out? But I will try again in a couple days to feed again and see what happens....
My PBT and Kole nip at nori, but they really only eat flake/pellet/mysis. As long as they are eating something and seem healthy I am cool with that.
My PBT and Kole nip at nori, but they really only eat flake/pellet/mysis. As long as they are eating something and seem healthy I am cool with that.

And that`s OK. I can see your point. But remember that tangs are herbivores and they actually need greens like seaweed and macro algeas. It`s good for them and actually contains the vitamin C they need. I actually sometimes put brocchli out there and they eat the little buds off of it. Bawel- keep trying. Dont give up. Keep putting it out there and they will sooner or later go to it.
LOL... I guess almost being knocked out of first place again this week has really gotten to you...LOL... JK
Hey i was just wondering when did you have a Tang? Are you telling mike something your not telling me Jenny????
I mix my the frozen formula two with the mysis and brine (meats), soak it in the garlic and zoe and stir it all up. You think he'll still spit it out? Maybe try that.

Those guys gotts get their vegetables for long term health. Heck, if you can, don't feed for 3-4 days at a time and try vegetables only. That's of course if you don't have anthias. :)
Man I think I did not feed them for 4 Days and I put Only Forumla 2 in there he was still spitting it out... Once I put the Mysis for the Clowns he was like a Carnivore.. He ate up most of the Mysis before they could even get to it... I tell yeah I think I tried everything.... But I might go and get a Heribvous from Rods Food. He loves Rod's Stuff for some reason.... I put in some Micro Algae and it still looks like he did not touch any of it.
I have 4 Gobies that are basically carnivores and can't afford to let them get skinny like they were when I got them. They are hand-fed a lot though, so might be able to still feed them without the Tangs snitching the food. They were mad today and knocked the rock with the Nori over. Subtle hint? Lol.
Well I am going to try just feed Forumla 2 from now on My clown seems to like it hopefully it will catch on that way with the tang.
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