well its finally fixed

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 11, 2002
my tank is clear in less than 48 hours how increased the O2 supply by 100 percent chnged the currents to get more surface agitation
5 gallons of used water a little replanting and poof all greenes gone so i guess it was a combo of the water kicking the cycle and the addition of more surface agitation and air so if some one calls on the bord about a permenantly green fish tank this is the thread to view san spelling errors of course now i can enjoy my $2200 fish tank finally sheesh only took 3 months i think well of to buy some goldfish see ya
Gald to hear of your tank finally clearing of the green haze.

Not sure why it took ya so long but I do think your town's water supply had something to do with it.

BTW, what did you get for your $2200. Just seems liek an awful lot for a freshwater setup.
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