What deficiencies am I having?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 3, 2017
Here are some of my plants photo. Its a 50gal tank with gravel and co2. I doses seachem flourish each week.
Water parameters are stable and nitrate is at 20ppm
Lighting are 2 x 9w 6000k Led batten
How long have they been in your tank? They could just be acclimating? My plants went through a phase when I got them, took awhile get nice.
Sunscream is right. If they are new they will melt abit before they adjust to the new conditions.

However if they are abit older or your new growth is looking bad aswell then I'd say it's a K deficiency (potassium). Generally products like flourish are pretty low in potassium and if your pumping in co2 it will use it up pretty quick.

With a co2 injected tank (pressurised co2) your better off dosing everything seperate with dry salts.

PPS pro is a great method for low-high light setup.

EI dosing is better for high light heavily planted setup's.

A Google search will give you a heap of info on these.
Some are in the tank for 1 months plus and the last picture has been in the tank for 9 months it used to be green but suddenly the leaves turns yellow
Yea the holes tell me it's potassium. Do you dose to recommended on the bottle with flourish?
Deficiencies are quite hard to pinpoint exactly. What is your substrate. 18W in a 50 gallon also seems like pretty low light. How do you determine your co2 level?

How many fish etc?
I had just ordered seachem trace and potassium. Should arrive in a few days. Hope dosing these will help
I see the K Bert is refrencing. I see potential N, fe, possible B as well. Cal is right its difficult especially given the fact that is very low par and plants different ages. Id increase macro and add micros. Making overall small changes one at a time and observe.
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