What do I feed guppy fry?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
What do I feed guppy fry? Can I feed flakes, or very small pellets? I want these frys to live. They re in a 6 gallon tank all by themselves. I am going to put the male guppy in my other 6.5 gallon. I am trying to breed guppies in my 40 gallon long tank. How many times a day do i feed the fry?
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What do I feed guppy fry? Can I feed flakes, or very small pellets? I want these frys to live. They re in a 6 gallon tank all by themselves. I am going to put the male guppy in my other 6.5 gallon. I am trying to breed guppies in my 40 gallon long tank. How many times a day do i feed the fry?
Hikari makes a good food called "First Bites". It's better for livebearer fry than egglayers so right up your alley. ;) As the fry grow, there is another food by Hikari called "Tropical Fancy Guppy". That is better food for growth, conditioning and breeding. It should be used in addition to other foods like frozen baby brine shrimp, spirulina flakes, blackworm flakes.
Another good choice is Dr. Bassleer Biofish food baby nano. It's a protein packed food for growth but it is a bit expensive. ( Good food ain't cheap. ;) ) Northfin also makes a fry food but I don't believe it comes in smaller sizes so also a bit expensive.
As for feeding, baby fish need more feedings than adult fish so at least 2-3 times per day. Look at their bellies before you feed. If they are round, they don't need feeding. If they are flat, they need feeding.
I would not feed pellets to Guppy fry unless you crush them into a powder first. In a pinch, you can crush regular flake food into a powder but adult foods are more for sustaining life not good growth so they should not be the main food fed to fry.
Lastly, fry foods are going to make the water foul if you over feed ( and you will over feed because there is no standard amount to feed ) so you should be doing water changes on fry tanks at least 2 times per week ( especially in a 6.5 tank. )
Thanks for your help. I will do as you say. I want healthy fry. I will also put my male by himself, until I know is ok to go to my 40 gallon tank. I am still waiting for ebay to send my male fish. I did put one fish my glo fish into 6.5 gallon tank, so I have a glo fish in my 6.5 gallon tank. He swims weird, he was always like that. Just to my other fish comes, then I will place glow fish back into my 40 gallon. Unless i can keep glow fish in the tank without him moving back Thanks for letting me know how many times to feed the fry, they are very tiny. I need a mag glass to seem to, or good eye sight. Isn't there something I can put into the tank to help the fry so I can see all of them. it is plastic and it is for baby fish,, that you hang on the tank and the fry swim into it. Anyone know what that is called?
Thanks for your help. I will do as you say. I want healthy fry. I will also put my male by himself, until I know is ok to go to my 40 gallon tank. I am still waiting for ebay to send my male fish. I did put one fish my glo fish into 6.5 gallon tank, so I have a glo fish in my 6.5 gallon tank. He swims weird, he was always like that. Just to my other fish comes, then I will place glow fish back into my 40 gallon. Unless i can keep glow fish in the tank without him moving back Thanks for letting me know how many times to feed the fry, they are very tiny. I need a mag glass to seem to, or good eye sight. Isn't there something I can put into the tank to help the fry so I can see all of them. it is plastic and it is for baby fish,, that you hang on the tank and the fry swim into it. Anyone know what that is called?
You don't want to keep any of the glo tetras with the male Guppy as they will chew his tail.
When it comes to fish fry, a good magnifying glass is your best friend. It doesn't even need to be an expensive one either. Mine came from the dollar store so it cost me $1.00. (y) I think the plastic thing you are describing is a guppy breeder box and truthfully, just because you put it in the tank, the fry may not go into it. They are also better off with more space than less. With good foods they will grow quickly so you won't need to use the mag glass for long.
Hikari makes a good food called "First Bites". It's better for livebearer fry than egglayers so right up your alley. ;) As the fry grow, there is another food by Hikari called "Tropical Fancy Guppy". That is better food for growth, conditioning and breeding. It should be used in addition to other foods like frozen baby brine shrimp, spirulina flakes, blackworm flakes.
Another good choice is Dr. Bassleer Biofish food baby nano. It's a protein packed food for growth but it is a bit expensive. ( Good food ain't cheap. ;) ) Northfin also makes a fry food but I don't believe it comes in smaller sizes so also a bit expensive.
As for feeding, baby fish need more feedings than adult fish so at least 2-3 times per day. Look at their bellies before you feed. If they are round, they don't need feeding. If they are flat, they need feeding.
I would not feed pellets to Guppy fry unless you crush them into a powder first. In a pinch, you can crush regular flake food into a powder but adult foods are more for sustaining life not good growth so they should not be the main food fed to fry.
Lastly, fry foods are going to make the water foul if you over feed ( and you will over feed because there is no standard amount to feed ) so you should be doing water changes on fry tanks at least 2 times per week ( especially in a 6.5 tank. )
I am new to breeding So i have this question.
Should I put male and female guppy in small tank until they have babies, or can I leave the fish in my 40 long tank? If so, how do I feed the baby guppies, if all guppies are in my 40 gallon, even the babies?
I am new to breeding So i have this question.
Should I put male and female guppy in small tank until they have babies, or can I leave the fish in my 40 long tank? If so, how do I feed the baby guppies, if all guppies are in my 40 gallon, even the babies?
If you put a lot of frilly plants in the 40, they can all go together but there is the possibility that some of the fry will be eaten. When breeding Guppies, if you place 2 or 3 females in with the male in the 6.5 gallon tank for a week, they all will most likely be impregnated. You can remove the male into another tank with 2 or 3 other females for another 2-3 weeks , so he can get some strength back and impregnate the other females. At that point you have a choice: A) move the male into a separate tank by himself. B) Use a divider in the 40 long and place him on one side and the existing fry on the other side. C) Place the females on one side of the divider and the fry on the other and when the females give birth, move the fry to the other side of the divider and leave the male in the 6.5. D) Leave the females in the 6.5s until they give birth then move the fry into the 40 and leave the females in the 6.5s. ( You just have to do one of these. ) With female Guppies, it's more hazardous to move the females the further into their pregnancy they get so you either leave them be for the duration or you move them soon after impregnation.
Welcome to fish breeding. ;) ;)
FYI, when I say lots of plants, this is a pic of a friend's Guppy tank ( on the floor) All those plants give him lots of Guppies because the fry have a lot of places to hide.Devon.jpg
Wow I love you photo of your friends guppy tank. I do have a lot of fake plants but I see what kind of plants your friend is using. I will go to ebay and order me some of those plants. I still have a lot to learn. I first have to learn how to take care of guppies and their fry. I wanted to sell some, for some cash. If that is poss to do. But not right away. I want to make sure the fry grow up and are healthy.
Wow I love you photo of your friends guppy tank. I do have a lot of fake plants but I see what kind of plants your friend is using. I will go to ebay and order me some of those plants. I still have a lot to learn. I first have to learn how to take care of guppies and their fry. I wanted to sell some, for some cash. If that is poss to do. But not right away. I want to make sure the fry grow up and are healthy.
Look for Java Moss and/ or Guppy Grass plants. They are both easy to care for and frilly. (y)
I just bought Guppy Grass plants, from Ebay. I should have in about a week. Also my male guppy is coming by mail. I will put him in my 6.5 by himself, for about a month, then I can put him in my 40 gallon tank.
I just bought Guppy Grass plants, from Ebay. I should have in about a week. Also my male guppy is coming by mail. I will put him in my 6.5 by himself, for about a month, then I can put him in my 40 gallon tank.
If he doesn't have any issues during that 30 days, you can add him to the 40. If he has any issues during that 30 days, the 30 days starts again from the time the issue is resolved.
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