what do you guys think of my new tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 12, 2012
Hey guys just wondering how my freshwater mix is in my community tank. I have a 33 gallon tank thats a taller design. My tank has 10 lives plants and a variety of structures inside. the temperature also is set to 24 degrees(75).I have 2 baby bala's, 1 Pleco, 4 danio's,(2 pink, 2 striped) 2 Dwarf gouramis, 2 beunos aires tetras, 2 peppered cories, 2 oto's, 1 phantom tetra, 1 orange striped tetra, there is also 8 ghost shrimp and 6 cherry shrimp? let me know what you guys think? I do plan on buying a bigger tank(72 gallon) when I move into a new apartment for the bala's and pleco.
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