What else should I feed my American and African Cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 20, 2013
They are all young. I have a: Tiger Oscar, Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, Green Terror, Black Convict, Salvini, Yellow Peacock, Sulphur head, Jewel Cichlid

I already feed them Hikari Blood Red Parrot mini Pellets, and sometimes Brine Shrimp.

What other Fish food could I feed them, and what human food could I feed them, like veggies and fruits? I've tried cucumber and they don't eat it.

It's a 55 gallon, I am upgrading to a 300-400 gallon plus once they get larger.

Thanks, Brady.
For the African cichlids I feed them peas, spinach, romaine lettuce, cucumber & 3 cloves of garlic. I put it in the blender and some tank water & make it to a nice mix very fine and then put it in mini ice cubes tray till frozen

Yesterday, I did the same as above but added fresh caught shrimp & spirulina powder 1 tsp. So far they all go crazy for it & the last mix I did with the shrimp and spirulina they went nuts for it. This mix I will feed it to them maybe 1 or twice a week only.
I feed spinach and thats it for fresh or frozen veggies mine wont eat peas .. i feed alot of different foods i feed repashy, omega one spirulina veggie rounds, hikari bio gold & hikari cichlid excel.. i buy a i think its kents garlic supplement and soak my food in for all my tanks. I have some cobalt brand food that i personally think isnt a great quality so i limit it . I also have seaweed sheets with garlic i feed
Beefheart. I have two oscars, 1 red and 1 tiger. And one jack. They love beefheart. So beefheart, crickets, good quality pellets, brine shrimp, frozen shrimp from the store, earthworms (washed off), peas, pieces of chicken cooked, a goldfish once a month just cuz they like them but not more than one or two. I dont like feeding mine Gold fish or rosy reds but they get one or two every two months or so.
Wow thank you I am new to keeping chiclids so this was great help !
I feed my africans, and americans New Life Spectrum, Blood worms, tubifex worms (they go apeshit for tubifex worms) beef heart, cucumber, kale, krill, tetra cichlid flakes,
my fish are spoiled, they pretty much get every type of food. Oscars will eat just about anything, Krill is probably theres and the jacks favorite though. The Americans dont seem to care for the beef heart as much as the africans, but I found the tubifex worms is the best thing to put in there, everyone eats it, everyone loves it, even my veggie eaters. Especially my veggie eaters lol. The only ones that need special attention are my Rainbow cichlids (herotilapia) they only eat flakes, and fresh veggies like cucumber, Kale, spinach. etc. Hope this helps

If you do not have a can of New Life Spectrum cichlid formula, GET SOME!
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