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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 12, 2004
Cleveland, Ohio
I am looking for an algea eating or preferably omnivorous fish that will do well by itself (eliminates a lot of corys) in a 10 gallon tank that has a only three red phantom tetras as tank mates.

I may not add anything at all, but am curious about the possibilities. Maybe ghost shrimp instead of a fish?

I agree bristlenose plecs but they poo alot ! and I mean alot, only purchase them if you have a good filter system and have an undergravel filter.
only purchase them if you have a good filter system and have an undergravel filter.

An undergravel filter isn't needed. All plecos poop alot. That is what you get with a fish that eats that much. You just might have to do water changes more often they you do them now. :wink:

Good luck
I would not personally keep a plec in a ten gallon. They are just too much on the bioload in such a small tank. In a ten there is obviously less water and things can get out of whack in an instant.

You would have less of a bioload with three otos. If a plec is what you want and the purpose of the fish is to eat algae then go with a brisltnose or a rubber nose. The BN being the better of the 2. If you get a BN try to get a female. They seem to be smaller than the males.

Most of your dwarf plecs (like the clown) are more apt to eat meat based foods and will not touch algae the way you want.

Some other options would be a mystery snail (stays small) or the shrimp. My mystery snail does a bang up job of eating algae offa the sides of the tank.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I don't know about upping the bio load with a pleco, but I will look into it. This is my trouble for sticking with small tanks. That's OK. I don't want to go any bigger until I go salt water. Would three otos really be alright in a 10 gallon?

Thanks again,
I have to disagree with you on that one. I have a rubberlip pleco (i'm assuming thats what it is) for almost a year now in a 55 gallon, then i moved it to my 10 gallon just a few weeks ago that doesn't go barely 2 inches from head to tail. he's full most of the time, doesn't disturb the plants, and REALLY eats the algae off the glass. I had a spot of algae going the whole length of my tank in the front (from having an added flourescent light strip there to get this one "creation" of mine light under it. Anyways, the lil pleco had the glass spotless the morning after when I woke up. I have 3 albino BN plecs in a 29 gal talk, but they are poop machines and don't really move around a whole lot unless its feeding time. At least the lil rubber lip moves around somewhat.
Didn't mean to argue or anything, just thought you might want to reword the BN plecs over the rubber lips. Course then again, Its all a matter of opinion.
Small plecos in a small tank are fine, as long as regular tank cleanings are done. A rubberlip or pitbull pleco will make a fine addition to your tank.

Is there an algae problem in the tank? What are you hoping to gain by putting in a lower dwelling fish?
I have clown pleco but am worried about how much it eats as there isnt much algea. It looks great though but remains stationary often, (like most plecs will). I personally think that Plecos are not that easy on the eyes but do offer a good variation on fish as they dont take up swimming room (dont allot for them in your inches of fish/gal ratio) and are different looking.

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