what happened to my blue spotted puffer?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 25, 2005
Polk City, Ia
so i finally got convinced into buying a blue spotted puffer. i didnt know much about them- my first mistake and tried to make it work anyway. well i tried to feed it marine cuisine and it really wouldnt eat much. then after like a week it turned blackish and died. i want to get another but being 16 im worried about being out another $50. and my water condish is great and my 2 clowns, blenny, and cromi and in 100% live condition.
Wow, sorry for your loss. A few questions:
1. Can you update "my info" with your tank size/equipment/critters?
2. What are your water parameters (keep in mind, normal/"perfect" are not actual numbers)?
3. How did you acclimate?
its a 45 gallon with 2 penguin 170 filters, bubblestone-- getting a powerhead soon, have only about 8 pounds of live rock but will get more eventually, but have more rocks and coral. substrate is crushed coral. my only fish are listed above. and i acclimated by keeping him in the bag for 45 minutes in the tank and then every 5 after that add a little water to the bag and then when it hits a hour i scoop him out and let him go. this is what ive always done with every fish bc i dont have a quarantine tank and it always works out good. oh and salinity is 1.0205
Did he puff when up while exposed to the air?
I like the drip acclimation, this will help the delicat fish adjust to the temp/pH/salinity, for at least 1 hour for fish, 2 for inverts.
Did you get him from your LFS?
If so, what was he eating there, or was he even eating?
I do believe they need a minimum of 50G to be happy.
he was eating mysis shrimp but the marine cuisine had that too so i figured that would work. and i got him from the lfs not petco or anything i got it from a good family owned place and thats the first thing thats died from them. and no my salinity is 1.0205 right in between 1.020 and 1.021.
i think he might have died from stress since i live in iowa thats a long ways to fly a fish in and then me to drive it home and everything. but do you think i should try again or should i find a different fish that will be hardier?
I think you may have found the problem, between the trip and acclimation, that could have done him in. Can you answer the other questions? It is kind of hard to determine what really went on.
Did he puff when up while exposed to the air?
What are your water parameters (keep in mind, normal/"perfect" are not actual numbers)?
he never really puffed up at all and the water temp was 75 to 77ish and the ammonia is 0 ppm, salinity is mentioned above, and to be honest i cheap out by taking a water sample to the lfs to have them check nitrite and nitrate and they said that it was good. not the best thing to do but im sure my water quality is good bc all my other fish are still very alive.
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