What is extra supplies to keep on hand?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 28, 2013
Okay so my dad said I could have a tablet if I wanted one, but I said I'd rather get it in fish supplies, and although I doubt he would buy me it(he chuckled at the suggestion) I'd like to know extra aquarium supplies that are useful, so over time I can collect it all. I need a test kit that'll manage to get. I have a bio filter fitted over the head of my filter, a HOB filter, another small HOB filter, a diy moving bed, so I don't think I'll be needing much more filtration. I have java moss that's surviving, but not thriving(not growing extremely fast although still at a nice pace) probably because, I don't have strong lighting(well honestly not sure so I'm guessing its 1 watt a gallon because the man I got this from didn't know it, or much of anything else at that), and I don't do co2/fertilization but online it said it does fine in the conditions, but I may enjoy a nice thick that of rock so what fertilizers should I get? If my dad lets me get the tablet in fish supplies Id like to spend up to 20 dollars on all the easy to care for plants like hornwart, anacharis, java fern, and anubias. Then I'm willing to spend 30 dollars in liquid co2 and ferts. Which ferts do you recomend?
Other than the test kit I have all the regular supplies ph correcter although I don't use it, because my tap ph is at 7.3-7.4, declorinator although I have well water so I just get rid of heavy metals, is this necessary? I have coppersafe, stress coat, salt, and melafix. Now for plants and ferts, what do you recomend for a coldwater easy to care for and what brand of ferts plus what is necessary for a heavily planted/medium. I really only have a little super-glued java moss so I'd like to get more to help nitrates cause my dad didn't want me to do a water change and my nitrates got to 40. So now until I get my plants every 2 days I do a 20 percent WC. So if you can answer my other questions, and my main question what are dandy things to have on hand other than stuff I already have and I'd appreciate.
Fertilizer - Planted Aquarium Fertilizer - Dry Fertilizers, Dry Fertilizers, , , Planted Aquarium Fertilizer - Macro Micro Nutrient Mix, Macro Micro Nutrient Mix,

This fert has everything you need except for phosphates and lasts FOREVER. To get phosphates you can buy fleet enema from a pharmacy and use that to add phosphates to your tank.

For Carbon I would recommend excel. With a low light tank a bottle should last a long time. Standard dosing is 1ml / 10 gallon daily for a medium light tank. For a low light tank 1/2 of that dose would suffice.

I would invest in a bottle of prime for a water conditioner. It is super concentrated. I got enough for 2500 gallon of prime for the same price as a bottle of stress coat that would treat 900ish gallons.

How old is the light and what type of fixture is it? If the bulb is approaching a year old it is probably time to replace it.

Other than that there isn't really any supplies I can think of that you need assuming your filtration is adequate. It might be neat to upgrade your lighting to keep medium light plants as well since you want to start adding ferts and carbon to the tank.

For plants just about any type of anubias would be a good choice for a low light plant. Java ferns would be another good choice.

When you do water changes, instead of a 20% change do a 50% change instead. When you take 20% of the water out you are only removing 20% of the nitrates and diluting them back into the full tank.

For example if you have a 100ppm concentration of nitrates (easier maths when using this number) after a 20% change you will be down to 80ppm nitrates. Second 20% change will put you at 64ppm. Third change will put you at 51ppm.

On the other hand with the same ppm of nitrates and a 50% change the first change will put you at 50ppm. Second at 25ppm. Third at 13ppm.
I have no idea how big your tank is or what your stock is, but in cold-ish water/lowlight tank I have Anubis nana, jungle Val's, java fern and anaracaris. I don't use a lot ferts, but just to give you a heads up, depending on your location you're going to spending a bit on plants. Cheapest I could get Anubis and java (small ones) is somewhere between five to seven bucks per plant. If you willing to start out slow its cool, but you sound like you're on a budget, so figured I'd give you a heads up.

I have liquid iron and ferts, but I don't treat very often. If you have low stock you'll need to use it more.

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