What is this snail

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 19, 2011
So cal
I'm not very experienced with snail identification. This is the first time I've seen him, he was on the back wall and was maybe an inch long. He had a small flat shell that covered just a small portion of his body. He was very stuck to the wall, and when I tried to grab him with tweezers, his shell came off. The picture with the black background was the best pic I could get while he was in the tank, and the other pic is after his small shell came off.

It only comes out at night, cause I've never seen him.

Is it good or bad?


Do u have any live plants in your tank? Sometimes there are snail eggs on live plants from pet stores.

Not in the tank, but tons of different micro algae in the fuge. No way into the tank from the fuge except for two Rio Hyperflows 26hf on the return. Does it look like a dangerous snail.
I've never seen one like that. I don't think it's dangerous. It probably just eats plants and waste like most aquarium snails. Have u seen any more?

This is the first one I've seen. I just worry, I've heard some snails could be poisonous or cause other problems, but to be honest, I really don't know much about snails. It's just so different looking than what I'm used to.
Puggle88 said:
Ya it is really strange. But if u pulled it's shell off isn't it dead?

No its in a cup, and alive as can be. Oh well bed time, figure it out in the morning.
that looks to me like a stomatella snail. it also looks like as you tried to remove it from the rock or glass, you tore off his tail. this is a defense mechanism if so, and it will grow back.
reef safe.
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