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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 13, 2010
I have some sort of alien life form growing in my live rock. Most of the time, it cant be seen at all but yesterday this worm-thing had to be extended a full 2 inches from the rock... does anyone know what this could be? Thanks in advance!
Just google image searched both of those, my guess it is a worm as ive never seen more than that one appendage coming from the rock... I know starfish can regenerate, is it possible a tiny piece was in my LR when I bought it? Its been in my tank for about 2 years now
your best bet is to take a sneak peak after the lights have been off for an hour or so. I really need to get a red light myself, my flashlight scares off the critters.
Definately a bristleworm that just extended itself looking for food, good scavengers IMO, when you get too many they can become a problem, but for the most part they are good. Make sure you wear thick rubber gloves for now on when you play around in the tank as they can leave a nasty sting if you touch them.
Definitely a bristle worm, They used to grow massive in my reef tank but I always left a couple in as they make good sand sifters
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