What killed my Flame Tetras?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 6, 2014
About 8-10 months ago we got 4 flame tetras along with 3 female gold dust mollies. Since that time all 4 of the tetras died, but we haven't lost any other fish (4 danios, 4 tiger barbs, 4 cory cats, 1 pleco and the aforementioned mollies all live in the 20 gallon long tank). The first tetra died rather quickly - I attributed that to transfer shock.The others lived happily for around 3-4 months, when the second one died. a few months after that the 3rd one went and then today we lost the last one. It just seems odd to me that we have only had trouble with the tetras, but not all at once.

For a while I wasn't testing the water - a few weeks ago I began keeping a closer eye on my parameters and discovered very high nitrates. Since then I have them under control. Are Tetras just more vulnerable to nitrates than the other tankmates? I lost tetra 2 and 3 within 24 hours of a water change, but there has been no water change in the last few days (although I did change my HOB filter media last night).
I would not change your media out, as it will cause your tank to do a mini cycle. as far as what killed them IDK, some fish are weak when you buy them. especially common at big box stores.
Perhaps your tank was over stocked, creating the high nitrates, which that breed may be more vulnerable than the others?

One thing I've done wrong in the past was changing both the filter bag and the charcoal and running them under my tap water to get the charcoal dust away. And putting it straight back in the filter.

Since then, i have two filter pads - one with coal and one without. I think you are supposed to use the same filter bag for a very, very long time. To clean the dust away from new charcoal, another poster made the brilliant suggestion to put it in a clean net (mine comes just loose), run it under the tap, then put it in the filter bag that was empty but cycling with the tank. I then soaked it in removed tank water.

I don't change the coal often, but I did the other day and my tank looks so much better and the fish perked up.

I am just throwing out possibilities and am in no way an expert on this stuff. There are really informed people on this site.
Careful tiger barbs are known to be nippers they might be stressing them out since those tetras are smaller then adult tiger bards so I would keep a eye on them to see if they are chasing other fish around

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Novice, I think the nitrates came from a simple lack if water changes. I seem to have those under control now.

Aces, my wife got the tiger barbs before I had done my research. Fortunately they have really left everyone else alone and just chase each other around every now and then.

I'm starting to think I might have been shocking those guys every time I changed my filter cartridge. On the 20 it only has one cartridge so I'm guess it did a little mini cycle each time I changed the cartridge (silly me for following the instructions that came on the filter box). In my new 75 I'm going to change the cartridge much less often, plus I'll have 4 cartridges so I'll ever only change one at a time.

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All I did was state becareful with you tiger barbs and watch them and I get called a novice. Yet you can't tell how you killed your fish and I'm the novice yeah ok buddy was just stating a known fact that's known.

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All I did was state becareful with you tiger barbs and watch them and I get called a novice. Yet you can't tell how you killed your fish and I'm the novice yeah ok buddy was just stating a known fact that's known.

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No, the response was to me, my user name is Novice!
Sorry my fault I totally apologize

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