What kind of fish should i get?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 8, 2011
Hey guys, I just got a ten gallon aquarium and I'm wondering about some fish. What should I get?
:welcome: to AA! :)

Well that all depends. What do you want in the tank? I could name 20 or so different fish that could go in there but it's all personal preference. Schooling fish, shoaling fish, paired fish or single centerpiece fish?

Also, are you planning on cycling this tank in some way or form?
^Agree. If this is your first tank you need to cycle it first. Cycling doesn't mean letting it run for a few days like the pet stores tell you. :) Here's some links for you, but the short of it is that you need to grow a certain kind of bacteria in your filters to handle the waste that the fish produce. They produce ammonia which is toxic to fish unless the bacteria can handle it. It takes time for this bacteria to grow and multiply. One way is to buy fish right away and use their fish waste to add ammonia to help produce the bacteria. problem with this method is that you'll need to change tank water 1-2x daily for 3-8 weeks while the tank cycles and the cycling process can be dangerous for fish if not done correctly. The other method is fishless cycling (the link is below), where you pretty much add a pure ammonia source yourself and wait for the bacteria to produce. You can speed this process up by adding some media from an established tank (some gravel, or filter pads from a tank that's been running a while).

Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle and cycling. Methods for ammonia, nitrite removal.

While the tank is cycling you can research what fish you'd like to get. A 10 gal doesn't provide much room for many fish, however. You could do a Betta and a school of nano fish like ember tetra. Or some guppies and shrimp maybe. Just research first and ask here (as you are doing, good job!). :)
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Ok, I was thinking of black mollys? Is that a good choice?
There's not a best. It's your CHOICE. There are many options for you to choose from.
You could have dwarf rasboras, shrimp, snails, pygmy cories, neon tetras, celestial pearl danios, some guppies, endlers livebearers, a betta, ect
The options are endless!! There are so many exciting fish I didnt even mention! Enjoy!!!

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