What should I do?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 4, 2004
I've been treating my male Betta for fungus for about a month and a half or so. He is dark blue in coloration and started to turn white on his head. Well, the meds haven't helped and the majority of his body is now white. He's not active and hides behind the filter all the time. He doesn't really come out for food much. Basically he's just not looking good. What should I do? I feel like he is suffering. He used to sit in his "cave" and swim around actively but now he just floats at the top of the tank all the time. He used to swim to the top as soon as I opened the lid for feeding, but he no longer does that. I haven't seen him build bubble nests since the color transformation.
I'm sorry to hesar about your betta. :(
I haven't had much luck myself treating bettas with fungus. Did you try Marycyn or Jungle Fungus Clear?
When a fish stops eating, the end isn't far off. You could try soaking the food in garlic juice - that's supposed to stimulate the appetite. Otherwise, it might be time to end his life humanely. :cry:
His fins are starting to look tattered also. There is nothing in the tank that could be cutting his fins so it baffles me as to how it is occuring. It started with him looking like he had a black mustache and has evolved into his body being white. I am using Fungus Eliminator. Should I try something else? I've heard this stuff is the best at removing Fungus, but if I can try something else I will.

I am going to be moving on Saturday and I fear that the move will stress him out greatly since he's already in his sick condition. I had a whole new tank idea for him after the move also. I was going to move him to the 10 gal and plant it. But I don't know if that's really an option anymore.
I know how you feel :cry:, I am in the same boat with my gourami. Good luck to you, I am not the best person right now to offer advice I am afraid.
You are correct in your thoughts about moving him while in his weakened condition. He may not survive it.

I have had to agonize over this type of decision more times than I'd care to admit but I knew it was for the best. Keep in mind that you've done you're best to care for him.
I feel as if he is suffering. He hides all the time (even with the light off) and isn't active like he used to be. I just tried to feed him and he didn't move from behind the filter after I put the food in. He saw me drop it in so I know that he knows its there. Last night I talked to James about the possibility of euthinization but I can't bare to do it. There is no way that I would ever flush a living fish. That is just wrong. But I can't bare to lay him on the counter and cut him either. Its one thing if they die naturally but I don't think I can do it myself. I'm too attached to the little guy. This morning I had to take Dory to the vet for her spaying and it was hard enough to let go of the carrier. I can't imagine ending an animals life but I also don't want him to suffer in silence.
I am sorry to here about your poor fish. It sounds like he is deteriarating rapidly now. If he has stopped eating, I think the time has come. Moving him would probably just add to the poor things suffering.

Sorry Fishy. :(
I know that the right thing to do is the euthinization but I don't think I can take it. We have never had to do this before. I haven't been home for about 3 weeks and his body has definatly taken a turn for the worse. The patches of white are all down his body, not just confined to his head. James has been doing water changes every 4 days to keep the levels at pristene conditions (0 Ammonia and Nitrites, and not even measurable Nitrates). I thought this may have helped with the recovery process. But I think that if it needs to be done, then it should be done before the move. No reason to make him suffer through the move and then do it at the new house. Maybe tonight James will do it for me. I can't. Just thinking about it makes me cry....
My wife was leaning over my shoulder reading your forum. She said that she had an expensive fish that had a funus problem she couldn't cure.

She said that as a last resort before putting it to sleep permanitly, She decided to place it in a small tank of tap water inorder to see if the chlorine in the water would kill the fungus....She said that possibly the third day if she isn't mistaken, the fungus began to change color and began to loosen.... Within a week the fish began to revive and move a little more each day.... She said that she went through the whole ordeal a second time after about a month of being back in the aquarium. So she decided to keep it in tap water from then on. The fish passed away about a year or so later due to a run in with the cat.

My wife said that she decided to give this a try "ONLY" as a last resort, She would be heartbroken if someone looses a fish that could easily be cured with medicine.
Our local water company uses Chloramines in the water instead of chlorine. :( The thought of having to do this tonight has us both on edge today. Bickering back and forth because we neither one want to do it. But I keep telling myself that by doing it, Blinky (my Betta, the only fish with a name) will be better off because he won't be suffering. I think he knows it is inevitable because he looks at me with sad eyes like he is saying Help me. Two years ago I never would have thought that it would be such an emotional strain to have to do this. I would have thought that it was crazy to be so attached.
Actually getting attached would be a normal behaivor because for two years you've had to look after Betta, feed it, change its water.

Its sad for us and we aren't the ones who raised it.

Most likely with your Betta also getting fin rot on top of everything else. Your beloved Betta would rather be in piece than to have its suffering prolonged.

Sorry that things turn out the way it does :(
What causes the fungus and fin rot? He has been the only fish in the tank and has his water changed weekly at about 50% ontop of having the tank filtered. The water never has Ammonia or Nitrites with Nitrates always being barely detectable. I actually had to dose Nitrogen just to keep plants alive in it. That's why I wonder what causes this. It's not like he had poor water quality.
I wish i knew the answer!

I clean my tank once or twice a week because I have such a large fish. I tried an experiment once and this was to use a canister filter to suck the waste off the bottom and send the water back into the tank after filtering. The next thing I knew, my fish had a cotton fungus on his top and side fin. I really don't know exactly if this was the cause or not but I'll never try it again.

Do yourself a favor and not blaim yourself...These things happen pretty much on thier own.
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