What should I feed Mbunas?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 12, 2012
Hey everyone i'm hopefully a couple of weeks away from getting my first fish. Will probably be getting yellow labs, yellow fin aceis, and maybe red zebras.(trying to keep it simple) I will not be stocking all of these at once of course.

Anyway what do you feed your mbunas or what do you suggest.
I've used several of the algae/vegetable based flakes from several major brands. API Tropical Greens is what I'm usin' currently.

The key thing in any prepared food for mbuna is to keep the percentage of protein down, as they are primarily algivores in the wild. I target less than 40% protein for prepared foods. Ya can also supplement their diet with a variety of blanched veggies: zuchini and squash, spinach, shelled peas, carrots, etc.

Sera Granugreen is great,New Era green pellets but getting it in the states might be hard ? Cucumber peas lettuce ;-)
I feed nls thera a and hikari cichlid excel when the shop is out of nls.
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