What to plant??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 27, 2013
Hi all,

I just got my 75 gallon tank up and running. It has one potted plant (I'm not exactly sure what it it), lots of anacharis, four fake log decorations, and one piece of driftwood. I currently have a red finned rainbow shark (Epalzeorhynchos frenatus), one neon blue dwarf gourami (Colisa Lolia), and a bristlenose pleco (Ancistrus). I'm planning on adding two more dwarf gourami, two veil angelfish, six oto, another pleco, five boeseman rainbowfish. I'm hoping someone can help hide the bubbler hose, my best gues would be with more anacharis, and then any ideas on how to plant the rest of the tank. Thanks


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Is there any specific reason that you use the bubblers? They generally aren't necessary in a tank.

Multiple male gouramis tend to fight so you might want to rethink having more than one.

As for plants, that depends entirely on what light you have in the tank. Let us know what fixture you have and we can suggest some options.

You could also try posting a close up pic of the plant so we can try to identify it.
The bubbler I have was actually free so that's why it's there, it's not a must, it was just laying around.

I had already planned to get female gourami. Maybe even try to breed them later on but not anytime soon.

I have two 18" lights on from 8am to 10:30pm


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Are the lights t8s or t5 no/ho/he?

2 18" lights will be a low light level so you could plant java fern, java moss, Anubias, or bolbitis with good success.

I always think it's a great plan to keep a bubbler on hand for various reasons but imho they just aren't needed in a planted tank.

It might be a good idea to drop the photo period down. Long photo periods tend to cause a lot of algae growth :( usually 8 hours is the standard for running your lights.
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