what will this light support

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First off, I wouldnt get the angel. :-( Theres soo many fish out there that you can easily find something else cool.

If I had a 14g cube I would probably put in a firefish, a goby (clown or a citron) and maybe a small blenny. I would also add a fire shrimp or two. :)

I would be tempted to put in two clowns BUT they would be way too big for it.

If space and/or money isn't really a problem I would for sure get the larger cube, it would only be like $50 more and the options would be so much better. Plus everything is included pretty much, you could add a good amount of corals as well. The only thing you really need to add with a cube is a heater and a powerhead. I love my cube, one of my best investments. :-D
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