what's a good online plant store

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 28, 2003
Winnipeg CAN
I'm thinking of ordering some plants online and I was interested in hearing some poeples thoughts and experiences with doing this. Have you had success or has it been a waste of money? The main reason I'm thinking of doing it is that the selection of plants online is far more extensive than anything I could get at my lfs.

I have also had several good experiences with aquariumplant.com. And they don't have a huge minimum order like some places.
ive had really good exp with the tycom 3 on ebay. its pretty cheap compared to the other stores. and theres some good deals if you buy 4+ (free plant and pretty low shipping) (s)hes very considerate. and (s)he has many plants. and sometimes you can get a plant pretty cheap if no one else bids on it :)

also ive never bought any plants frm any other place so i cant say anything on those
betowess, thank you for the kind comments. We now offer a 90 day exchange program, where you can exchange your plants for new ones up to 90 days from the purchase date. It is like having insurance for your plants!

Robert Hudson
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