What's a good snail .....

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 12, 2005
York Pennsylvania
I was wondering what a good snail would be to add to a community tank (90 gal) that would not over take tank . Also would CAE 's get along or would they try to eat them. TIA
I agree, my apple snail is big enough so that all the fish leave it alone.
If you have plants you don't want eaten, it would be best to get a brig (This is a species of apple snail), or if you would like a huge snail and don't hae any live/silk plants you dont want eaten you could get a Cana (Another species of apple snail) which can grow to the size of a baseball.
Supposedly the Olive Nerrite snail does not produce in freshwater, only in a brackish condition. They can be acclimated to live in freshwater tho. Check them out and read up on them at www.azgardens.com

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