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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 6, 2016
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
I have a 65 gal tank thats alway been fresh water tank that's currently empty. Then I have a 75 gal tank that's always been fresh and have fish in it. We're wanting to have one salt water tank and one fresh.

Is it better to do the 65 or the 75 salt? Neither are drilled but the lady at the local salt water fish store told me I can do a salt without drilling it, but honestly what's best?

She gave me a start up costs of roughly $1000 for the 65 gal without it being drilled.... does that sound right? I'v always been a freshwater fanatic and I was always discouraged to do salt because of how hard it is (from what I'm told) but I'm getting somewhat bored with my fresh... ready to take the plunge into salt!:fish1:
We had a 55 salt the HOB filters and powerheads for flow.

Love rock flown in from Fiji, a half dozen corals, a few fish, hermit crabs and cleaner shrimp. Ya, $1000 sounds about right.
Thanks, I went talk to them with the idea of $1200 in my head for some reason (just a random gut number lol) That sounds like the things she was discussing about getting except the coral. I want coral, but the lady had mentioned not doing coral yet until I get the hang of it. She said fish only would be a nice place to start.

Do you know if it's better to have a drilled tank with a sump? I'm a 100% newbie on salt... fresh water I can tend to hold my own...haha

We had a 55 salt the HOB filters and powerheads for flow.

Love rock flown in from Fiji, a half dozen corals, a few fish, hermit crabs and cleaner shrimp. Ya, $1000 sounds about right.
If you don't want to shell out for a drilled tank then you could just do your standard overflow box with return pump. A sump is highly recommended in my experience.

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Because of the meager filtration we had, we did a 50% water change each week.

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